Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Reigns says he's way better looking than cena and way more athletic than cena. Doesn't matter to me cause dude has zero charisma
Reigns says he's way better looking than cena and way more athletic than cena. Doesn't matter to me cause dude has zero charisma

Same amount of moves tho...
May skip mania if he's in the main event. Doesn't deserve it at all.
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Wouldnt mind it as much if reigns won mitb and cashed in next year but to win the rumble and then go on to main event mania and win is just :smh:

Seth deserves to win the rumble and that spot on the wm main event he earned it. But he probably won't get it. When was the last time somebody won the mitb and then went on to win the rumble?
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Seth should cash in at 31.

Jeans was buying cigarettes at a young age? Must be one of those bodegas that didn't ID. I had one of those around my way. Buying beer at 14 :pimp:
wouldnt mind if reigns won at mania then seth cashes it in and wins,good way to start a feud 

dean is too good for this ,should be in main event ,bray needs better direction,this segment was good until the he bray came on,why cant they just make him more violent more actions less talking 
Second rope drop kick is a high spot??? Divas division is soooo garbage right now.

Need them lebrons asap now. Gonna go to fl tomorrow morning.
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