Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Still can't unsee Ric when I see Charlotte.
Ssme here. Her body is sculpted and that doesn't bother me too much. (Although she is out of stock in the mass department) The fact she looks so much like her Dad is the killer. And she has some hairy *** arms too. :wow:
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-TNA officials are currently working on finalizing plans for their next TV tapings, which could come as soon as the week of December 15th in the Midwest. As noted, TNA has a hold on the Manhattan Center for the week of January 6th but they may tape in December and let those holds go, leading to tapings in the UK during their annual tour.

TNA officials are said to be extremely happy with the new Destination America TV deal. The deal was reportedly agreed upon a week or two ago and finalized earlier this week. The feeling within TNA is now that the TV deal is done, they can start working on new talent deals, creative plans for next year and more internal changes, which John Gaburick has been working on.

One of the Destination America selling points for TNA was that TNA will be an important cornerstone of the network. The deal also opens up the possibility of more TNA programming. Dixie Carter made it clear during negotiations that she didn’t want a deal for just another two hours of Impact Wrestling.

There’s no date confirmed yet for when Impact Wrestling will begin on Discovery but it could air on Tuesday or Wednesday.
if TNA is a cornerstone of your network, you're in trouble.

Not true..20+ yrs ago a wrestling show debuted on a network that was most known for crappy tv shows and cheesy late night movies..And that turned out pretty well..Let's give it a chance and see what happens..Maybe TNA will turn things around and give wrestling fans a real quality alternative to WWE's weakly show..
if TNA is a cornerstone of your network, you're in trouble.

Not true..20+ yrs ago a wrestling show debuted on a network that was most known for crappy tv shows and cheesy late night movies..And that turned out pretty well..Let's give it a chance and see what happens..Maybe TNA will turn things around and give wrestling fans a real quality alternative to WWE's weakly show..

My concern is how much money do you think they'll have? I would imagine not as much as SpikeTV used to pay them. I hope they don't come off looking even "cheaper" and turning off a lot of potential viewers.
I'm going to reserve judgement and try to give them the benefit of the doubt..Hopefully they'll really turn things around and try to be original and not a ripoff of WWE/WWF/WCW..
oh yeah. bruther. .wrestle mania 3. Pontiac Michigan.  90,000 plus people man..cup of coffee in the big time.. cup of coffe.. because you'll never know.. intercontinental champ.. cup ole .


I don't care if you get 23 wrestler outside.


cup ole coffee man.
This is me completely fantasy booking

On Raw we saw Ziggler get beat down by the stooges, Luke and Seth after the match. Cena didn't bother coming out and helping. Same thing happened with Show and Sheamus and Sheamus ended up being injured and off the team.

On smackdown and not sure if this is really true or not but HHH added a stipulation that if Team Cena did lose that everyone on the team will be fired with the exception of Cena. Hmmm

Survivor series is free on the network and with WWE wanting new users to remain as subscribers so you would think WWE would plan a big angle for the finish of that match. What if they did turn Cena heel. He turns on his team. Cena doesn't get fired. He goes on and faces Brock for the title with the backing of the authority since he couldn't beat Brock the 1st two times.

WWE changes plans and goes with Cena as champion to take on Reigns at Mania. They dont want Brock to go into Mania as champion and be a dead duck knowing he's leaving back to MMA.

Seth still has the briefcase. Maybe he has a match vs Lesnar and Heyman decides to turn on Brock since he's on his way out. He now joins up with Seth and eventually Seth cashes in on Reigns

All of this makes sense right guys? :D
This is me completely fantasy booking

On Raw we saw Ziggler get beat down by the stooges, Luke and Seth after the match. Cena didn't bother coming out and helping. Same thing happened with Show and Sheamus and Sheamus ended up being injured and off the team.

On smackdown and not sure if this is really true or not but HHH added a stipulation that if Team Cena did lose that everyone on the team will be fired with the exception of Cena. Hmmm

Survivor series is free on the network and with WWE wanting new users to remain as subscribers so you would think WWE would plan a big angle for the finish of that match. What if they did turn Cena heel. He turns on his team. Cena doesn't get fired. He goes on and faces Brock for the title with the backing of the authority since he couldn't beat Brock the 1st two times.

WWE changes plans and goes with Cena as champion to take on Reigns at Mania. They dont want Brock to go into Mania as champion and be a dead duck knowing he's leaving back to MMA.

Seth still has the briefcase. Maybe he has a match vs Lesnar and Heyman decides to turn on Brock since he's on his way out. He now joins up with Seth and eventually Seth cashes in on Reigns

All of this makes sense right guys? :D

makes some sense,and thats why it wont happen in the wwe lol.but we shall see
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any on wwe on xbone.i finally customized my full universe so im ready for some matches,guess we can only play friends (so i heard) which is dumb but whatever,gimme some gamertags
i wanna get 2k15 but I'm holding out to see if there's a dope deal with da black friday coming up

thought about buying a new iPhone today but i couldn't push myself to do it. just didn't see the reason to. even with this interest free credit card i just got.
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This is me completely fantasy booking

On Raw we saw Ziggler get beat down by the stooges, Luke and Seth after the match. Cena didn't bother coming out and helping. Same thing happened with Show and Sheamus and Sheamus ended up being injured and off the team.

On smackdown and not sure if this is really true or not but HHH added a stipulation that if Team Cena did lose that everyone on the team will be fired with the exception of Cena. Hmmm

Survivor series is free on the network and with WWE wanting new users to remain as subscribers so you would think WWE would plan a big angle for the finish of that match. What if they did turn Cena heel. He turns on his team. Cena doesn't get fired. He goes on and faces Brock for the title with the backing of the authority since he couldn't beat Brock the 1st two times.

WWE changes plans and goes with Cena as champion to take on Reigns at Mania. They dont want Brock to go into Mania as champion and be a dead duck knowing he's leaving back to MMA.

Seth still has the briefcase. Maybe he has a match vs Lesnar and Heyman decides to turn on Brock since he's on his way out. He now joins up with Seth and eventually Seth cashes in on Reigns

All of this makes sense right guys? :D

My friend is swearing up and down that CENA is going to turn on his team..
I mean if there were a time to do the Cena heel turn, I'd think that now would be it. You have a ton of extra viewers due to it being free and you need to make a big splash to show that if anything, it's worth getting the network just for the PPVs alone.
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