Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

So for you Dean Amborse (John Moxley) fans, he may be getting called up pretty soon:
I mean..he worked a great match with punk, Regal always speaks highly on him and now he's in a direct program with him.
Hope WM28 don't sell out quick.

Won't be able to get my tickets until like January lol
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by frink85

so i live overseas and they show smackdown early, on friday mornings here. youve probably read the spoilers, but i implore you to watch just for the Hunico appearance. the get up they got him in...LOL

Yeah..they got dude looking like a bootleg Homicide.

I was thinking more like Baby Joker haha
Rhodes/Orton on SmackDown tonight was excellent. Orton is the best worker in the WWE. His program with Christian was great and his work with Rhodes has been phenomenal. He's taking Rhodes to the next level.
^^^Yea, Orton has stepped it up a lot, and i think it's safe to say that Orton makes people look better than Cena
ever has.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Rhodes/Orton on SmackDown tonight was excellent. 

just finished watching Smackdown that match was 
(from the NFN thread)

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Don't turn on SpikeTV right now.  Brooke Tessmacher 

MY GAWD!! I knew Brooke had mass, but....MY GAWD!!!! I need to figure out which Hooters see works at

Spoiler [+]
And the match was actually good too
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by RKO2004


you are missing out if you've never seen her before.
Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]

Posted: 11/04/11 2:17 AM
I want this. No.. I NEED this.

Impeccable Execution.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by RKO2004


you are missing out if you've never seen her before.
Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]

$#!@$%!%%%^@$^@%^%$^#$^&#^&#^$&$^&^$&^$& Damn.  I need to start catching up with TNA again.  My first time see that fine piece.  
John Morrison & Drew McIntyre had a really good match on Superstars. you may be surprised who won (or maybe not

Still tryin to figure out what's going on with NXT, it's like they're using that as a show above FCW, but below Superstars.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

John Morrison & Drew McIntyre had a really good match on Superstars. you may be surprised who won (or maybe not

I wish Drew wouldn't have had that bat$#@* crazy *++!# around so he could be pushed again. He's a great talent.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

^^^Yea, Orton has stepped it up a lot, and i think it's safe to say that Orton makes people look better than Cena
ever has.

You say that like Christian and Rhodes weren't already good workers

Watch Cena's PPV matches in 07 with Khali and Bobby Lashley, now THAT is some real miracle work right there
Is Rhodes ever gonna beat Orton?

I'm still waiting for that day when WWE decides to push Rhodes, Zigger, & Barrett alongside The Miz as the top heels of the company. Prob should keep waiting....
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Watch Cena's PPV matches in 07 with Khali and Bobby Lashley, now THAT is some real miracle work right there

I'd rather not watch those matches. Cena isn't a bad worker, though. Not a great worker either, though, IMO.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Is Rhodes ever gonna beat Orton?

I'm still waiting for that day when WWE decides to push Rhodes, Zigger, & Barrett alongside The Miz as the top heels of the company. Prob should keep waiting....

What's the rush? Give them another year or two to give them MOST of the spotlight. It's not like those names alone are going to draw right now anyway.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Is Rhodes ever gonna beat Orton?

I'm still waiting for that day when WWE decides to push Rhodes, Zigger, & Barrett alongside The Miz as the top heels of the company. Prob should keep waiting....

What's the rush? Give them another year or two to give them MOST of the spotlight. It's not like those names alone are going to draw right now anyway.

You're so lucky I'm not sick as a dog right now or I would completely go off on you.  I really hope you are being sarcastic.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

You're so lucky I'm not sick as a dog right now or I would completely go off on you.  I really hope you are being sarcastic.
Really? You're the one always thinking about the long term. What's an immediate push going to do right now? Truly cement these guys now so they can be the faces for the next decade. If they get pushed right now what will be left for the Vets? Nothing.

People (casual viewers, kids, etc) are barley catching on to Rhodes/Ziggler/Byran etc.

Give it time. Just like they should have with CM Punk. (Even YOU said that while I was on the opposite end)
There's a different between giving guys time and treating them like geeks.

WWE has two stars, Cena and Orton (and if you want to count HHH but he's not a full time wrestler). Even Punk is just another geek at this point. And Del Rio has been buried to the point of irrelevance.

More later.
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Originally Posted by Peep Game

^^^Yea, Orton has stepped it up a lot, and i think it's safe to say that Orton makes people look better than Cena
ever has.

You say that like Christian and Rhodes weren't already good workers

Watch Cena's PPV matches in 07 with Khali and Bobby Lashley, now THAT is some real miracle work right there

Oh no not at all
, Orton has just been on a roll for awhile now, and has really been money w/ everybody. Cena, well, no matter who
he faces, it's definitely the other person carrying the match. Ditto to hombrelobo's comment.

Is there a reason Ted Jr is still using what really is Maryse's music?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

There's a different between giving guys time and treating them like geeks.

WWE has two stars, Cena and Orton (and if you want to count HHH but he's not a full time wrestler). Even Punk is just another geek at this point. And Del Rio has been buried to the point of irrelevance.

More later.
Heels are geeks, dummy. This isn't the attitude era where everyone can be a "bad !++" heel. Punk isn't a "geek". He's a PG face. Sorry about it.

I'll wait for more later..
No, Punk's a wining loser who is still getting pops from mark fans based off what he did four months ago.
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