Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

I was gonna compile the list of PSNs but since brasilian seems so excited about it 
I'll let him handle it.

PSN - toine2983
 Discusses Leaving TNA, The End of ECW, More

Tommy speaks…

- Tommy Dreamer was recently on Busted Open on Sirius Radio, here are the highlights…

On Leaving TNA: "There was a lot of things. It was .. contracts and it just whatever. I didn't put up with a lot of stuff in WWE, I'm not gonna' put up with stuff in TNA. And you know what? I miss everybody in WWE, and I miss everybody in TNA, but,..I'm happy in my life and at 40 years old, if I can't, I don't want to say do it my way, but again, not seeing things done logically, and looking at stuff from a business point of view. Then I just say it doesn't make sense to me, and it's like no matter how hard I work, no matter how much I destroy my body, no matter how much other guys destroy their body, if stuff's not going to change, to me that really, really bothers me, and I don't know. I guess I don't want to be a part of it. I don't want negativity in my life just because I'm in a way different stage in my life. I love wrestling. I‘ve loved it since I was a little kid, and I don't want to be the bitter old veteran who hates wrestling, and for a while like when stuff doesn't make sense or they just do stuff to do it, and just do it, I get so mad. I just..I'd rather just walk away and watch it from afar, and be like an armed chair quarterback on Monday's or Tuesday's, ya' know?"

On The End of ECW: "Well, it was an amazing, amazing team effort, and there's a lot of guys who helped contribute to it, I just… I guess my legacy is also just because of so much, behind the scenes that I contributed to the company, and I was also pretty much the last man to stay in the company. I actually stayed longer than Paul Heyman, which was sad cuz' he was the real owner. And , you know, I went down with the ship, but now it's all good cuz' it's made me the man who I am. At times I was also thinking of changing my name to , ECW or like Edward Charles Wright cuz' every time I wrestle, they seem to chant that."

On Not Wanting Titles: "Actually , one of the many fights me and Paul Heyman got into , to me, titles; I never wanted to hold one. You know, titles were given, to me, they're given to guys to help them get to the next level, and in the original ECW, I really didn't need it, but the story worked out better cuz' a lot of times where do you go from there once you win the title. Then, you know, the whole storyline, and again, it was all Paul basically saying, "Don't put the title around your waist. I don't want anyone ever to say there was a picture of you with the title around your waist, and like that would be the next chapter for Tommy Dreamer. He finally won the title. Not only did he lose the girl, but he also never got a picture of him with the title around his waist, you know just to add to the saga of professional wrestling, and the original ECW."

Credit: Pwinsider.com

omg Knockout Tag Title Match.

No Fap November is in serious jeopardy 
"I'm really sorry I didn't grow into the man you wanted me to be." -Garrett
"There's still hope" -Eric

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Having already pre-ordered MW3 and Skyrim...WWE 12 is low on the list for me right now. I'll probably get it around Christmas time, or whenever Rock becomes regular DLC.

mw3 and skyrim?
that's it?

i'm going broke with all the games coming out this fall it's ridiculous.
dead island, mw3, assassins creed 2, skyrim, arkham city, uncharted 3, wwe '12, ico/shadow of the colossus collection.

with the NTWE/WWE '12 merger, COD, and all of these single player titles i might have to apologize to wifey in advance for not spending any time with her till around end of January.
Already have Dead Island and Arkham City. I've been looking forward to MW3 and Skyrim since they were first announced...probably my most anticipated games of the year and 2012(besides Mass Effect 3 and Borderlands 2.)
Switched off the 2nd hour because I had no interest in the Hardy/Anderson match.

Good match between Roode and Storm so far. They work good together.

On a side note, TNA mics their ring way too loud.
robert roode spits alot when he wrestles. like that john cena jizz spit. that spit flies when he gets hit. live event he spits about 8 times a match when he gets hit and it flies high and into the the crowd. my brother was in the third row and his leg was hit by some robert roode thick white spit
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I would use my tongue as a spoon if Brooke gave me the stinkface.

Spoiler [+]
Same here

Originally Posted by hymen man

this can't be said enough...

tessmacher has the nicest %%* ever

so i live overseas and they show smackdown early, on friday mornings here. youve probably read the spoilers, but i implore you to watch just for the Hunico appearance. the get up they got him in...LOL
Originally Posted by frink85

so i live overseas and they show smackdown early, on friday mornings here. youve probably read the spoilers, but i implore you to watch just for the Hunico appearance. the get up they got him in...LOL

Yeah..they got dude looking like a bootleg Homicide.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by RKO2004


you are missing out if you've never seen her before.
Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]

Posted: 11/04/11 2:17 AM
I want this. No.. I NEED this.
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