Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by bkmac

How does Morrison personally go out there and continue to lose
, more power to him.
probably the same way he'd walk into the locker room full of guys that have had their way with his girlfriend.
with confidence diminishing pride.
Can't feel bad for Morrisimp at all.

I have school work to get done tonight, I'll just read the Raw spoilers, which aren't probably anything special anyway
ghims, can you give me the ntwe face/heel/tweener list please.

never realized how horrendous morrison's clotheslines were.
bi gawd.
Good match between Morrison and Zigler, but I really don't like the US Champ continually losing.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by bkmac

How does Morrison personally go out there and continue to lose
, more power to him.
probably the same way he'd walk into the locker room full of guys that have had their way with his girlfriend.
with confidence diminishing pride
So true. I remember watching these Brian Kendrick/Paul London shoot interviews talking about that...

Spoiler [+]
Ditto on the NTWF list
The announcing is very strange tonight. Cole is playing a complete babyface, and Lawler is a bit of a heel. I'm not complaining, but you just know Cole is going to flip the switch at some point to troll mode.
Man $$$% that little girl(no hanson) and her ticket to mania
Shes not old enough to have experienced the people's champ

I know i'm salty but damb
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

 never realized how horrendous morrison's clotheslines were.
bi gawd.
I was thinking the exact same thing.  They were brutal.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Lol what has barret done to deserve his own team? Why wouldnt that be Christians team?

Or Rhodes, the Intercontinental Champion.  Don't get that one.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Unlike Batista, Mason Ryan has no SWAG.

And would the WWE please make him get a haircut.

to be fair, The Deacon Batista circa 2002 wasn't exactly a vat of charisma either.
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Unlike Batista, Mason Ryan has no SWAG.

And would the WWE please make him get a haircut.

This. I'm not even watching right now, but they need to scrap whatever they're attempting with Ryan, shave his
head and build him as Batista's brother/cousin. Matista.

And Bourne/Slater's suspension was over marijuana (or "substances with marijuana like characteristics"), not
steroids/HGH. Ryan is roided out of his mind though
what happened to the days of the super heel champions?

ADR/Miz/Batista (last reign) have all been made to look like complete geeks during their reign.

HIAC is the only time i have wwe has made del rio look moderately legit as a champion.
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