Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

lmao at the pig vickie joke
"If JR was the Titanic, the iceberg would have sunk"

What the hell is Lawler taking fat shots at JR now?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Can we pretty much guarantee a Cobra and Mr Socko confrontation next week?


get this rat looking heffer off my tv.

Spoiler [+]
why her %#$ lookin' kinda phat in that dress though...
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Maxim.. Remember when the cover girls used to be on Playboy? 
That's why Maryse doesn't care about her release. She's about to get buckwild for all our pleasure.

how much y'all wanna bet she smashed the camera guy at the photoshoot.

wwe '12 lookin

i will take off ortons pic off my copy.

can anyone here creata a cover for me? i'll pay.
I think it's so funny that they plug Flo Rida as the Survivor Series theme song, but they only play the hook that he isn't on.
SmackDown has been on fire recently.

WWE Smackdown on Friday, November 4 scored a 2.19 rating, up from a 1.93 rating the previous week up against Game 7 of the World Series.

After the one off-week, Smackdown resumed its hot streak that started in September after the live Super Smackdown episode on Tuesday, August 30 and around the time of Night of Champions when Mark Henry became World Hvt. champion.

Smackdown averaged 3.27 million viewers, which is the most average viewers since the Smackdown following WrestleMania 27 in April. Smackdown's viewership slightly topped the Sept. 23 episode, which scored the highest-ever Smackdown rating on Syfy.

On cable TV Friday night, Smackdown ranked #8 in overall viewers (trailing the family and kids-oriented programming that dominates Friday nights), #3 among males 18-34, and #2 among males 18-49. The first hour was #1 among m18-49. "Gold Rush" on Discovery dominated the second hour.

Also, Smackdown scored its best Friday night m18-49 rating since moving to Syfy, even topping WM27 season. Smackdown also carried younger viewers. Smackdown ranked #1 among m12-34 on Friday night and was #2 in its time period among male teens. In m12-17, Smackdown scored its highest rating since May.
I have so little interest in Kevin Nash, because I am dreading the eventual HHH/Nash match.
It's a little thing, but I take Nash more seriously when he's not wearing Hyperdunks or whatever he normally wears.
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