Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Raw did a 2.9, and more importantly, they were barely trending on Twitter. Major changes are a comin....
More like if the go home show next week does good with Dwayne, they are gone throw a bunch of money at him to appear at the big 4.
As for the news and notes....
Punk got the biggest pay day he ever got for SS, and took a new contract. Well played sir.
Hulk and Eric are crazy for wanting to continue to do business with Spike. Eric just wants full control of a company, and its been like that since 1999. I wounder if Eric and Hulk get control, how long til they are at each other throats?
Its one thing to get rid of Jarrett, and Rusco. Good moves if you ask me.. Its another thing to have to deal with having full control, and knowing that they will eventually fail at running Impact. If there are 2 guys with a decent relationship with Viacom its Eric and Hulk though.
Interms of the Chris Masters piece about girls sleeping with Hayes Why else do you think Mike keeps the mullett? Son gets blowjobs and sings his songs during them.....

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Raw did a 2.9, and more importantly, they were barely trending on Twitter. Major changes are a comin....
Hulk and Eric are crazy for wanting to continue to do business with Spike. Eric just wants full control of a company, and its been like that since 1999. I wounder if Eric and Hulk get control, how long til they are at each other throats?
Interms of the Chris Masters piece about girls sleeping with Hayes Why else do you think Mike keeps the mullett? Son gets blowjobs and sings his songs during them.....
4W, care to elaborate on these changes?

On TNA--

I think TNA should just let everything be out there for everyone to see. I would actually watch this backstage stuff if it were on iMPACT. Honestly, I don't know who the hell I would let ru(i)n the company if I were Dixie. Bischoff/Hogan or Jarrett/Russo.



"Hey girl, come over here and stroke this mullet."


NTWE Classics has sent over a preview of "Los Cuatro Horsemen..Always Forgotten." This 30 second documentary contains the only time all Cuatro Horsemen were backstage at the same time. In this exclusive clip the Horsemen are asked how they feel about being in the NTWE. The Cuatro respond with.."Si!".

Here's that footage.

Spoiler [+]

And for no reason at all..

Scott Steiner.
Extremely Detailed Smackdown Spoilers from Liverpool
Spoiler [+]
WWE Smackdown & NXT & Superstars TV Tapings Notes & Thoughts
From: Liverpool, England, U.K.
Tuesday, 8th November, 2011
By Stephen Lyon.

This was WWE's second night of tv tapings at the Liverpool Echo Arena.  What a difference a day makes. The arena appeared to be a little more than half full, compared to last night's Raw tapings.

Dark Match:
A) Justin Gabriel defeated 'Matthew Kaye' (billed from Manchester to ensure he was booed - Liverpool & Manchester have a big city rivalry), pinning Kaye after a 450 splash. 'Matthew Kaye', besides being the real name of Matt Striker (I wonder if this name choice was a rib on Striker?), was in fact U.K. indie wrestler, Lionheart, (real name Adrian McCallum, from Ayrshire, Scotland). A few people around me recognised him as Lionheart. He actually wrestled on TNA's U.K. tour back in January of this year.

Show opened with Matt Striker in the ring with Derrick Bateman, Maxine, Titus O'Neill and Percy Watson. Bateman and Maxine kissed. Titus acted disgusted. Johnny Curtis came out. Bateman thought Curtis was his friend, but Curtis thought otherwise and mocked him. Curtis said that Batemen didn't deserve a fiancÃ[emoji]169[/emoji] like Maxine. Maxine let it slip that she had previously dated Curtis. The crowd actually oohed this news. Bateman became anxious at this revelation, whilst Curtis smirked. Striker announced O'Neill & Watson vs Bateman & Curtis as the NXT main event.
Announcers for NXT were Josh Matthews & Matt Striker (no Jack Korpela or William Regal as announcers).

1) Tyson Kidd defeated Trent Barretta. This was a good match. Crowd was dead at first, but both guys were really athletic and tried really hard. Barretta at one point did an Asai moonsault off the crowd barricade on to Kidd at ringside, which caught the crowd's attention. Finish saw Barretta attempt a top rope frankensteiner on Kidd, only for Kidd to turn the move into a single leg Boston crab for the submission win.

Bateman, Curtis and Maxine were backstage. Curtis tried to make a move on Maxine, but she slapped him across the face. Bateman was acting really insecure and goofy about Curtis being a former boyfriend.

Elsewhere, Tamina was talking to JTG backstage. The Usos walked up to her and told her off for associating with someone unsuitable like JTG. Tamina told them to back off and stop acting like they were her father.

2) Jimmy Uso (w/Jey Uso) defeated JTG (w/Tamina), after a top rope splash.

3) Derrick Bateman & Johnny Curtis (w/Maxine) defeated Titus O'Neill & Percy Watson, when Curtis pinned O'Neill after a lariat. After the match, Curtis smirked at Maxine, whilst Bateman dragged her away up the ramp. She kept looking back at Curtis though. Uh oh. Good luck with that upcoming wedding ceremony, Bateman.

I should mention the above lasted about 45 minutes, and with the odd exception (closing moments of the Kidd-Barretta match), the crowd were totally dead and didn't react to any of it. The crowd did repeatedly chant 'We Want Regal' several times though.

WWE Superstars match:
1) Daniel Bryan defeated William Regal. Crowd came unglued for Regal's entrance, giving him a huge ovation. The ring crew played what I think was a rib on Regal, as he came out to his regular music, then halfway down the aisle, they started playing his infamous 'Real Man's Man' theme music from late 1998, then switched back to his regular music. Bryan and the referee in the ring totally cracked up laughing, as did Regal. This match was so great. Bryan actually played the heel for this match, with all his offense booed and all Regal's offense cheered, and there were frequent 'Regal' chants throughout this match. Regal's former tag team partner in England, and long time friend, Robbie Brookside was sat at ringside on the hard camera for this match. Finish of the very good 10 minute match saw Bryan win via crossface submission. After the match, Regal embraced Bryan and raised his hand, before leaving to thunderous cheers.

WWE Smackdown:
Randy Orton interview opened the show. They were pushing the Team Orton vs Team Barrett match at the Survivor Series. Orton said he doesn't play well with others. Barrett came out and proclaimed himself a natural born leader. Christian, a Team Barrett member, came out wearing a neckbrace, selling the chokeslam that Big Show gave him last week. Barrett & Christian attacked Orton, with Sheamus (Team Orton member) making the save. Teddy Long came out and made two matches for this show - Sheamus vs Christian and Orton vs Barrett.

1) Sheamus pinned Christian after a Celtic Cross. Good match, lasted around 15 minutes.
Bryan was backstage with Kaitlyn and A.J. They asked him why he nearly cashed in 'Money in the Bank' last week, when he's always said that he'd wait until Wrestlemania. Bryan said he doesn't know, and that adrenaline got the better of him. Mark Henry confronted him and mocked him for thinking he could beat him that way. Bryan said he might beat him tonight (the two faced each other later on).
Teddy Long was with Aksana and Alicia Fox backstage. Aksana wanted Long to give her a 'first time'. She never specified what. Long thought she meant a match, and said she wasn't ready, but that she could second Fox to the ring in her match later. Aksana referred to Fox as 'Rhianna'.

2) Ted Dibiase defeated Jinder Mahal in a very quick match with Dream Street. DiBiase is participating in the Movember charity drive to raise Prostate Cancer awareness (nice gesture on his part), and is growing a moustache during the course of this month. After his win here, he motioned regarding his moustache towards the crowd. You know how much WWE loves a charitable bandwagon to climb aboard, so this might get DiBiase some airtime over the next month.

3) Mark Henry retained the WWE World title, defeating Daniel Bryan after a World's Strongest Slam. After the match, Henry tried to use a chair, which Bryan snatched and nailed Henry with a few times. Henry no-sold the blows, gave Bryan another World's Strongest Slam and an elbow drop. He was about to Pillmanise Bryan's ankle with the chair, when Big Show ran out for the save. Henry tried to use the chair on Show, but Show just punched it into Henry's face and chased him out of the ring. Henry stood at the top of the ramp for the next match.

4) Big Show defeated three jobbers in a very quick handicap match. My apologies - I didn't recognise any of the three guys (they appeared to be U.K. indie workers) and the ring announcer never announced their names at all.
After the match, Henry cut a promo on Show and botched a line, which the crowd cheered. Henry simply paused, and said, 'Enjoy it, because it didn't happen', and then simply went back to his promo about how he'll beat Show at Survivor Series. I guess the beauty of post-production will save the day yet again.

5) Alicia Fox (w/Aksana) pinned Tamina (w/Rosa Mendes).

6) Hunico & Epico (w/Primo) defeated Jimmy & Jey Uso. Yes, Primo finally landed a break, and appears to have been put into a new Mexican heel faction with Hunico & Epico. All three came out wearing bandanas, and Hunico's theme music is a rap song, very similar to the LAX and Mexican America factions' music in TNA. Hunico & Epico both wrestle in jeans and vest tops, so they're also a little reminiscent of 'Los Boricuas' from the late 1990s too. Hunico was really impressive, and pinned one of the Usos after a senton bomb from the top rope. After the match, Hunico & Epico & Primo did a 3-on-2 beatdown on the Usos, then Hunico cut a promo in Spanish. Crowd did chant for Sin Cara during the beatdown, but he never came out (and wasn't on this show at all).

7) Wade Barrett defeated Randy Orton via roll up, in a surprise. Barrett actually got a 50/50 crowd reaction, with both 'Let's go Barrett' and 'Barrett sucks' chants. There was actually a big pop when Barrett won, which came when Barrett blocked the RKO, and Orton nearly collided with referee Mike Chiota, culminating in the roll up for the pin. End of show.

Dark Match main event:
B) Randy Orton & Sheamus & Big Show defeated Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes & Christian, with Booker T as the special guest referee. This was Cody Rhodes only appearance on this show. Christian came out with his neckbrace on again. Short match, with Show chasing Henry to the back, and Sheamus chasing Christian to the back. This left Orton with Rhodes alone in the ring, pinning Rhodes after an RKO.

After the match, Booker T did a spinaroonie in the middle of the ring, and invited Orton to do one as well. Orton complied. It wasn't that great, but the crowd popped for it and laughed. A lot of the wrestlers came from the back and were stood at the side of the stage watching these shenanigans. Mark Henry came out, and wouldn't you know it, the big monster heel did a spinaroonie, much to the crowd's delight. It was awful, thus pretty hilarious. When he finally got up, Orton dropped him with an RKO to end the show.

Fun end to a long evening, with the taping lasting 3 hours and 15 minutes. Even though most of the first hour was pretty bad, there was some good wrestling on this show and some really fun moments, so I think overall I actually enjoyed this more than the Raw taping the previous night. Whether or not WWE will tape tv in Liverpool again is a whole other matter. The attendance for Raw last night was pretty good, and the arena appeared to be full. That was definitely not the case tonight though, although in Liverpool's defence, the Smackdown tv tapings also drew poorly in Manchester last year as well (7500 in an 18000 seat arena), so I think it's the Smackdown brand not being much of seller more than anything else.

Biggest pops:
William Regal
Randy Orton
Big Show

Most heat:
Mark Henry
Daniel Bryan (when facing Regal)
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I was being sarcastic.

Oh. I could honestly see them going berserk backstage because of not trending on twitter, though.
From another board...
So most over according to twitter tonight (ranked by approx minutes trending)

Kelly Kelly

Jack Swagger

Kofi Kingston

Mason Ryan


No one else even trended
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I was being sarcastic.

Oh. I could honestly see them going berserk backstage because of not trending on twitter, though.
From another board...
So most over according to twitter tonight (ranked by approx minutes trending)

Kelly Kelly

Jack Swagger

Kofi Kingston

Mason Ryan


No one else even trended
hombrelobo shilling products:
NTWE Classics has sent over a preview of "Los Cuatro Horsemen..Always Forgotten." This 30 second documentary contains the only time all Cuatro Horsemen were backstage at the same time. In this exclusive clip the Horsemen are asked how they feel about being in the NTWE. The Cuatro respond with.."Si!".

Here's that footage.


Wow...funny running into you, Lobo. It's like I was told to run into you while you're on camera, weird how these things work.
Did I overhear something about that Los Cuatro Horsemen DVD, available at NTWEshop.com?
This fine 3-disk DVD set I have right here...

also available in a 12-disk Blu-Ray super-pack! Only at NTWEshop.com!
Alrighty, I'll be seeing you around.

I'm going to go and watch 17.5 hours of fine low-card goodness!!!

And don't forget to let the fans at home get a sneak peak of GHIMS Cooking Show Pilot, Shattered Yolk Productions: Prediction, YUM!...ah hell, roll it!!!


The man just loves his eggs...in more ways than one.
at hombrelobo and OHHH my goodness!!!!!!!! rosa mendes mi amor mmmmmmmmmm las cosas que te hago
Apologies to all the Jeriholics of NTWE. My Celebratory Promo will be up tomorrow.

Tonight, I was too busy


Stage Rockin'



Lip Lockin'
Pat Patterson says Vince McMahon was crying as Warrior pinned Hogan at WrestleMania 6. VIA- WWE Legends Roundtable
2. The NTWEF has trademarked the terms "dead weight", "bedlam", "get the iss out'' and "NobleHymens".

Je Ne Sais Quoi:wrote:


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watching Raw now

- instantly, I can't stand Cena, the way he tries to sell WM, speaking about the Rock, so forced, fake and annoying...he can't sell...ugh
- Ryder really getting pushed I see
- So many botches in the open as far as being on the mic is concerned.
- Morrison won a match!?!?!
I guess it was obvious bc they were talking about his long losing streak all match...Dolph is still one of my favs on the roster
- LOL @ Punk calling out Berto for being one dimensional, he's right
- as per usual a boring cena main event
I had finally watched Raw real early this morning too. It was actually pretty decent if you fast forward
through a lot of it. Everybody is spot on about how corny he is. Going from jolly to jolly-seriousness
to jolly again all in the same promo. Miz & Truth saved that segment even with the mic kinda
messing up.

I thought Kelly Kelly was gonna break in half walking down the ramp and getting into the ring. Don't
really remember her being that skinner skinny.
So much win on page 32.

Alicia Fox.
  Would impregnate.

Eve booty poppin.

And that Smackdown news about Dibiase took me by surprise as well.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Je Ne Sais Quoi:wrote:


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Spoiler [+]

That Edge gif
Complete Listing For The Stone Cold - The Bottom Line on Wrestling's Most Popular Superstar DVD Set

It gets released on November 29th…

WWE Signature
Football and Wrestling
Rookie of the Year
From Hollywood California
A Platform
Fang McFrost
Main Event Momentum
1% Tough, 99% Lucky
Raising Hell
Tyson & Austin
Austin Era Has Begun
Cultural Phenomenon
The Boss
Rattlesnake vs. Brahma Bull
Difficult Decisions
Return to Mania
Stone Cold Comedy
Really? I'm not coming!
One More Round
The Law of Monday Night RAW
The Show Never Ends
New Horizons
Somewhere Down In Texas

Hair Club
The Rattlesnake
The Stunner
Bleed For Me

An Introduction From "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

USWA – May 1990
Stunning Steve Austin vs. Gentleman Chris Adams

WCW Saturday Night – July 30, 1994
Stunning Steve Austin & Ric Flair vs. Sting & Ricky Steamboat

King of the Ring – June 23, 1996
King of the Ring Final
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Jake The Snake Roberts

WrestleMania 13 – March 23, 1997
Submission Match
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart
W/ Alternate Commentary By: Steve Austin & Jim Ross

In Your House: D-Generation X – Dec. 7, 1997
Intercontinental Championship Match
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Rocky Maivia

WrestleMania 14 – March 29, 1998
WWE Championship Match
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels
W/ Alternate Commentary By: Steve Austin & Jim Ross

Over the Edge – May 31, 1998
No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere Match for the WWE Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Dude Love

SummerSlam – Aug. 30, 1998
WWE Championship Match
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker

Raw – March 22, 1999
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Big Show

WrestleMania XV – March 28, 1999
No Disqualification Match for the WWE Championship
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock

WrestleMania X-7 – April 1, 2001
No Disqualification Match for the WWE Championship
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock
W/ Alternate Commentary By: Steve Austin & Jim Ross

WCW Saturday Night – June 5, 1993
A Flare for the Old

Hardcore TV – Oct. 10, 1995
"A Bunch of Violent Crap"

Hardcore TV – Oct. 31, 1995
Monday Nyquil

Hardcore TV – Dec. 19, 1995
"Flat Out Disgusted"

In Your House: Mind Games – Sept. 22, 1996
"My Exact Opinion of Bret Hart"

Livewire – Oct. 19, 1996
"Stone Cold" on Livewire

Raw – Nov. 4, 1996
Home Invasion

Slammy Awards Show – March 21, 1997
1996 New Sensation Award

Slammy Awards Show – March 21, 1997
Freedom of Speech Award

Raw – April 21, 1997
Ambulance Attack

Raw – Sept. 22, 1997
The World's Most Famous Stunner

Raw – Jan. 19, 1998
Tyson and Austin!

Raw – March 30, 1998
The Easy Way or the Hard Way

Raw – Sept. 28, 1998
Zamboni 3:16

Raw – Oct. 5, 1998
Paging Dr. Austin

Raw – Oct. 12, 1998
McMahon's Cement Corvette

Raw – October 19, 1998
Bang 3:16

Raw – March 22, 1999
"Stone Cold" Beer Truck

Raw – April 19, 1999
The Funeral of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Survivor Series – Nov. 19, 2000
Austin's Revenge

SmackDown – March 22, 2001
Jim Ross Interviews Steve Austin and The Rock

SmackDown – July 5, 2001
Gift Giving Mood

SmackDown – July 12, 2001
Mr. McMahon's Alliance Woes

SmackDown – July 19, 2001
The Old "Stone Cold"

Raw – Jan. 14, 2002

SmackDown – June 7, 2003
The Highlight Reel

Blu-ray Exclusives
"Stone Cold" Answers Your Twitter Questions
The Sportatorium
The T-Shirt
The Broken Skull Ranch

Blu-ray Exclusive Matches
No Mercy – May 16, 1999
Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker vs. Triple H

Raw – Oct. 8, 2001
WWE Championship Match
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 0px; cssFloat: none" id=apture_prvw5 aptureProxy="98" apture="true">http:///cdn.apture.com/media/imgs/crsr/socialLink.cur),">http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 1px; cssFloat: none; borderTopLeftRadius: 2px 2px; borderTopRightRadius: 2px 2px; borderBottomLeftRadius: 2px 2px; borderBottomRightRadius: 2px 2px" class=" snap_noshots" href="http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/n...stling//s-Most-Popular-Superstar-DVD-Set.htm#" aptureProxy="99" aptureized="true">/cdn.apture.com/media/imgs/crsr/socialLink.cur),">http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 1px; LEFT: 0px; cssFloat: none; borderTopLeftRadius: 2px 2px; borderTopRightRadius: 2px 2px; borderBottomLeftRadius: 2px 2px; borderBottomRightRadius: 2px 2px" aptureProxy="100">http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px; cssFloat: none" aptureProxy="101">Kurt Angle

No Mercy – Oct. 21, 2001
Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rob
Van Dam

WrestleMania XIX – March 30, 2003
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. The Rock

Blu-ray Exclusive Moments
WCW Saturday Night – May 15, 1993
A Flair for the Gold

Superstars – Nov. 17, 1996
The Biggest Draw in the World

Superstars – March 23, 1997
The Foundation of the WWE

Raw – Aug. 18, 1997
You Want a Pear? You Want an

Raw – March 17, 2003
Post-Raw: "Stone Cold" Has Some Words with The Rock

WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony – April 4, 2009
Vince McMahon Inducts "Stone Cold" Steve Austin into the Hall of Fame

WrestleMania 25 – April 5, 2009
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin Salutes Texas

Besides some of the Disc 4 extra moments, if you already have The Legacy of Stone Cold and older dvds/vhs tapes, there's really
not much of a reason to get this unless you just collect all these dvds.
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