Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

what the +!*$ have cole and king been talking about for the past 10 minutes.
i mean %+%!, they have the same droning sound as gossiping housewives.

Commentary has been the @#**# all night.
So because his leg was being held down he couldn't get out of that pin? 
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I haven't read the spoilers, but the "plans" going into tonight's show were that Awesome Truth would destroy Cena tonight to make up for last week. We shall see....

Spoiler [+]
if you consider needing two individuals to hold you down for a 3 second pin being destroyed.. then yeah.. i guess
Wow.  What a joke.  Like seriously, how do they expect anyone to care about this match?  Because you know damn well Miz and Truth aren't getting any kind of heat on The Rock next week.
i'm starting to get tired of wasting 2 perfectly good hours every monday night...

Spoiler [+]
they really playing Friday on the usa network?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I haven't read the spoilers, but the "plans" going into tonight's show were that Awesome Truth would destroy Cena tonight to make up for last week. We shall see....

Spoiler [+]
if you consider needing two individuals to hold you down for a 3 second pin being destroyed.. then yeah.. i guess
Wow.  What a joke.  Like seriously, how do they expect anyone to care about this match?  Because you know damn well Miz and Truth aren't getting any kind of heat on The Rock next week.

we still don't have a proper explanation as to why the rock would want to wrestle mix/truth in the first place. other than..."the people" don't like miz and truth. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I haven't read the spoilers, but the "plans" going into tonight's show were that Awesome Truth would destroy Cena tonight to make up for last week. We shall see....

Spoiler [+]
if you consider needing two individuals to hold you down for a 3 second pin being destroyed.. then yeah.. i guess
Wow.  What a joke.  Like seriously, how do they expect anyone to care about this match?  Because you know damn well Miz and Truth aren't getting any kind of heat on The Rock next week.
They are banking on a rock bottom and an Attitude adjustment on Miz and Truth, and Rocky or Cena hitting a finisher on the other guy. Thats all they are selling me for this PPV. I feel kind of bad about the NTWE summit

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

i'm starting to get tired of wasting 2 perfectly good hours every monday night...

Spoiler [+]
they really playing Friday on the usa network?

They have for YEARS
I was contemplating selling my ticket to Survivor Series to someone else on here.
Don't know if it will be worth my time and money going to New York to see a garbage show.
What You Didn't See On Raw

Superstars matches:

1) The Usos defeated Trent Barretta & Derrick Bateman (w/Maxine). Usos won after a top rope splash.

2) Justin Gabriel defeated Curt Hawkins, after a Gabriel 450 splash. Gabriel appeared to hurt himself doing the move as he was limping walking to the back.

3) Alex Riley defeated Michael McGillicutty, after Riley gave McGillicutty a firemans carry cutter.


After the Kelly Kelly Maxim segment.....

This segment must not have been to Vince's liking, as later on, they brought out the big Maxim cover on the easel again, set it up in the ring, and we all figured they were about to retape it. However, a group of the crew huddled in the corner at ringside, and bunch of guys on headsets had some sort of discussion with them. The end result was they didn't retape anything, and removed the easel from the ring. So I guess Vince changed his mind about a segment - whilst the show was going on. I can only imagine the chaos backstage.

After the cameras stopped rolling, they did a quick two minute rematch, with Miz & R-Truth once again winning, with the exact same finish on Cena.

Cena called this bush league. Dolph Ziggler came out with tracksuit pants on. Ziggler, Miz and R-Truth came back to ring. CM Punk came out, and the faces got rid of Miz & R-Truth, who went to the back. Cena, Punk and Ryder then toyed with Ziggler, each giving him their finisher. Punk gave Ziggler an Attitude Adjustment, just to mix things up.

Show closed with Punk and Cena putting over Ryder, and Ryder's music played. Ryder said everyone in Liverpool was his 'Broski of the Week'. Punk's music played and he played to the crowd a bit before leaving.

Lacklustre show, on a par with recent Raws. Very stop-start as show, as most tv tapings are. They must have aired videos advertising practically every single DVD currently has on sale. In mean, Bret vs Shawn, Randy Orton, Ladder Match 2, Story of Wrestlemania, Steve Austin's new DVD all were plugged, as was Wrestlemania tickets now being on sale.

Biggest pops:

CM Punk

John Cena

Zack Ryder

Most heat:

John Laurinaitis

Albert Del Rio

Jack Swagger
Johnny Ace has more heat than the WWE Champion...

Swagger...actually has heat...????
I'll be very interested to see what kind of pop Punk gets at MSG. He's 100% lost my support.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

to whoever would make me a custom wwe '12 cover:

i want either macho man, ultimate warrior or razor ramon to be the cover guy.

name your price, pm me.
Knocked this out pretty quick.
I'll put it in a spoiler cos the size of it would make Ninjahood cry.

Spoiler [+]

Holla at me if you want logos and stuff on it as well.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

to whoever would make me a custom wwe '12 cover:

i want either macho man, ultimate warrior or razor ramon to be the cover guy.

name your price, pm me.

I gotchu GHIMS

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

how much y'all wanna bet she smashed the camera guy at the photoshoot.

wwe '12 lookin

i will take off ortons pic off my copy.

can anyone here creata a cover for me? i'll pay.

PM me for paypal information.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

where can i find the pre-sale password for the raw show in Anaheim?

Finally Raw is coming back to Anaheim. . I want to go again However it will never top the last time. . I was there. .The return of the great one. .Edit: I'm looking for that pre sale code too..
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