Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

that Steiner burial was amazing!
Maryse, like a lot of Divas, had gotten burned out from the traveling and the bumps. A source with knowledge of her situation tells me she feels like there are other ways to make money with her looks that would be more appealing.

I hope that other way starts with a p and ends with a n.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Maryse, like a lot of Divas, had gotten burned out from the traveling and the bumps. A source with knowledge of her situation tells me she feels like there are other ways to make money with her looks that would be more appealing.

I hope that other way starts with a p and ends with a n.

and rhymes with corn.
- The NTWEF has come to terms with the release of Mason. We wish him the best in his future endeavors. As already reported, the NTWEF had released CelticsPride a few days ago.
- There are reports going on now that officials are very down on RKO2004, ShaunHill, YardFather, Hyper_Cutter and WindScar.  On source said that their contracts could be terminated.
Didn't YardFather make an impression as Club's 1st pick?
Now, I know I'm on NTraw, and he's on NTdown, but the man has paid his dues as the OG Henry mark.
Now we all know it's not "officials", no, no, no...it's but ONE "official" pushing for a release, and I hope she's inducted to the Hall of Pain.
The WWE Network is going to fail miserably, but I think some of the shows are going to be classics in terms of unintentional comedy.

I've got some ideas that might work for them though:

- The Deadman = A western series starring The Undertaker as an immortal gunslinger searching for the man that betrayed him in his past life.
- The King of Kings = A high-fantasy Game Of Thrones type series with a hint of comedy starring Triple H.
- Stone Cold Hunting = A hunting show starring Stone Cold, pretty self explanatory.
- The Godfather = A 1970's melodrama starring The Godfather as a crime kingpin who has to dodge the feds while maintaining his vast empire of #@#*.
- Late Night With Y2J = A late night talk show hosted by the Ayatollah of Rock And Rolla.

I came up with those in 5 minutes and I'm sure they're better than anything the WWE will come up with.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Didn't YardFather make an impression as Club's 1st pick?
Now, I know I'm on NTraw, and he's on NTdown, but the man has paid his dues as the OG Henry mark.
Now we all know it's not "officials", no, no, no...it's but ONE "official" pushing for a release, and I hope she's inducted to the Hall of Pain.
just because he's n NTSeries doesnt mean he shouldnt continure contributing to the thread.
as for u, i'm rooting for u to complete the gaunlet and reach the ladder match.......so that i can hit u with a piledriver onto a ladder.
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