Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

A.J. Styles Talks http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 0px; cssFloat: none" id=apture_prvw6 apture="true" aptureproxy="100">Hulk Hogan​, Loyalty to TNA, More

- A.J. Styles recently spoke about Hulk Hogan's idea for his gimmick when Hogan first arrived in TNA, his loyalty to the company and more. Check out the highlights:

On Hogan's idea to make Styles a '/cdn.apture.com/media/imgs/crsr/socialLink.cur),">http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 0px; cssFloat: none" id=apture_prvw7 apture="true" aptureproxy="106">http:///cdn.apture.com/media/imgs/crsr/socialLink.cur),">http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 1px; cssFloat: none; borderTopLeftRadius: 2px 2px; borderTopRightRadius: 2px 2px; borderBottomLeftRadius: 2px 2px; borderBottomRightRadius: 2px 2px" class=" snap_noshots" href="http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/210066#" aptureized="true" aptureproxy="107">/cdn.apture.com/media/imgs/crsr/socialLink.cur),">http://cdn.apture.com/med...gs/crsr/socialLink.cur), default; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none; PADDING-TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px; cssFloat: none" aptureproxy="109">Ric Flair​ Jr.' character: "If you want to see my take my hair and dye it all blonde, slick it back, and hang out with girls all the time, and you know, do that whole thing, and just totally just not be A.J. at all, then you would've went with Hogan's idea."

On his reaction to the gimmick idea: "I was like, I'm not that guy, and I am A.J. Styles. I'm not Ric Flair. I am who I am. I mean, just because he (Hogan) hasn't been watching, doesn't mean that a lot of people haven't. They know who A.J. Styles. I got to be honest man; I don't think that I need to ride Ric Flair's coat-tails to be the next great thing in wrestling."

On the lack of wrestling time given on Impact: "I think that our guys are more than capable of telling great stories in that right; more than capable if given the opportunity, and the time in the ring. That's what some guys think, that championship titles are props; that the ring is just a prop. I know that I enjoy personally the wrestling part, I really do. I love the physical atmosphere of what's going on in a wrestling ring."

On not getting many media appearances: "I don't know why that is. I busted my butt for how many years now, but I'm not going to be a guy that's gonna complain about every little thing. Yeah, sure, you know, there's some stuff that I could say and mention, but that's not who I am. That's not what I do. I support my company, and whatever they think is best is...well, what we'll do. I'm behind em'."

On wanting Impact's brand recognition to grow: "I want us to have household names. I want us to be a household company that people say, 'Oh, yeah, Impact Wrestling! I know exactly what that is.' You know, not when we go through security at the airport or immigration or whatnot where you hear, 'Oh, oh like WWE?' I don't want to hear that. I want them to know exactly who we are. We got (a lot of) tourists that come to The Impact Zone where they really haven't followed the story; they really don't know what's going on. They just know that there's wrestling, but when you get out of that Impact Zone, you really get to see these fans who've watched weekly, they will tell you what they wanna see."
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Damn this thread did numbers.

You surprised?

Didn't you know?

The NTWT is the currrent longest running thread series in Niketalk history. Running longer than "Official PYP Thread", "Official [insert type of girl here] Appreciation Thread" & "NT help girl problems vol: because i am a simp and don't know how females work" Thread
Sorry for being MIA. Between work and the Penn St mess, I've been occupied with other stuff. I'm actually headed out to Penn St right now for the Nebraska game. Certainly going to be an interesting weekend.

I will be back on Sunday and get the thread updated for the EAGERLY anticipated TNA Turning Point PPV.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Damn this thread did numbers.

You surprised?

Didn't you know?

The NTWT is the currrent longest running thread series in Niketalk history. Running longer than "Official PYP Thread", "Official [insert type of girl here] Appreciation Thread" & "NT help girl problems vol: because i am a simp and don't know how females work" Thread

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Didn't you know?

The NTWT is the currrent longest running thread series in Niketalk history. Running longer than "Official PYP Thread", "Official [insert type of girl here] Appreciation Thread" & "NT help girl problems vol: because i am a simp and don't know how females work" Thread


Spoiler [+]



Spoiler [+]
They got me like

@ the 00:44 second mark.

I see D. Bryan has changed his theme again.

It's like a remixed version of Ride of the Vallkryies
Originally Posted by toine2983

@ the 00:44 second mark.

I see D. Bryan has changed his theme again.

It's like a remixed version of Ride of the Vallkryies

He needs it. His two themes in the wwe have been awful imo.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Didn't YardFather make an impression as Club's 1st pick?
Now, I know I'm on NTraw, and he's on NTdown, but the man has paid his dues as the OG Henry mark.
Now we all know it's not "officials", no, no, no...it's but ONE "official" pushing for a release, and I hope she's inducted to the Hall of Pain.

Son just doesn't realize people have lives outside of this thread.

Just because I don't contribute to the thread 300 times a week doesn't take away from the fact that I've been contributing for 7 damn years.

Fall back with your power trip GHIMS.

It's just a video of dude laying cement.
Man, The Usos and Epico/Hunico/Primo's themes are

And Hunico wrestling in Chucks
this stable Swag X 100000
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