Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Bray Wyatt has a gimmick that takes so much effort to pull off and is cool but at this point it just aint worth it. He needs to take time off or something cause these fueds hes been in since Cena have been POINTLESS
Bray Wyatt has a gimmick that takes so much effort to pull off and is cool but at this point it just aint worth it. He needs to take time off or something cause these fueds hes been in since Cena have been POINTLESS
They put him out there too damn much.
They made him talk too damn much, about NOTHING.

That cryptic talk is cool once a month but damn, not 2 times a week for 5 mins a piece at a time.

WWE's fault
Man I thought it was bad when WWE was barely giving matches on RAW and now they've already given 4 and they've ALL sucked smh. Its like theyre trolling us. This company shouldnt suck this much smh
Just got home from getting a Nike shirt and underwear, did I miss anything good?..And by good I mean did AJ arch her back or CenaBella show her unmentionables again?
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