I agree, Roman needs work on the mic. We all know this.

But I just can't agree with WWE not doing a good job on the D-League side. That is probably one of their strongest points if anything.

I wish the Shield were still together but when Daniel bryan got hurt, WWE had to make a move.
NXT is fantastic, can definitely agree on that.

Just wish they'd stop pushing that scrub Bull Dempsey. :smh:
if bryan never got hurt we would hate him now too face its like the struggling rapper who finally makes it n then boom 2nd album 
hhh /rock,  al snow/bossman ,dlo/xpac  goldust/valvenus , kane/undertaker , are just some the i remember as a kid , n we didnt see the same match on every program every week .   If i watch uso/dust brothers wyatt/big bald team again i will explode
This. Idk how many times we've seen Rybaxel vs Gold/Stardust or Rusev vs Thwagga.
But is that a result of bad development or is that a result of wrestling not being as mainstream as it was in the 90s?
Bad booking & bad writing.
Agreed. WWE's D-league aint the problem, the booking is.
Roman Reigns brought up too fast? Because of his mic work?

his mic work is lousy
monotone & forced
THIS. They need to let me dude Bray flourish as a main eventer before they let Reigns get the belt.

Booking is the pittssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss who does booking again , y does russev not have the us title yet 
Man I told ya about Victoria lane months ago and ya said awg and she looks like a Bella and all that.*dc rant over* look out for Carmella on nxt also she aight also
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Jerry Springer intervention with The Bella Twins
September 02, 2014


The Bella Twins are about to get some family management advice from a third-party.

Jerry Springer has been confirmed to moderate a discussion between the estranged "Total Divas" stars on the season premiere of Monday Night Raw in Baltimore on Sept. 8. The Bellas, as the WWE Universe knows, have been at vicious odds since Nikki turned on her twin sister Brie at SummerSlam. Recent weeks have seen Nikki demean her sister at every turn and go so far as to slander her reputation in "Growing Up Bella" vignettes that exposed Brie's alleged childhood secrets.

Watch: Springer comes to Raw in 2010 | Bellas implode on WWE Network

Of course, nobody does family dysfunction like Springer, but will he be able to bridge the divide between the warring sisters? Find out Monday at 8/7 CT, only on USA Network.

WCW wasn't treating itself like a sport at the end. They were a got damn joke. I just wish ROH and New Japan were on TV for us man. Jealous of you dudes that get to see ROH on the regular.

Well for a single payment of 59.99 you can full access to ROH's TV vault, discount on tickets & other stuff :smokin

I was thinkn when was the rise/fall of each promotion when did things go sour or not as good . WCW, TNA , ECW etc 

When the NWO ran its course and Russo & Bischoff took over the show, it was over for WCW. The amount of stupidity I seen from that company in its final years made me completely lose respect for it. Also its tactics were just straight dirty, happy theyre outta business
As for ECW, they just simply ran outta money and had their stars ransacked by other companies. It was over for em right after they were cancelled off TNN
TNA still isnt done but it is on its last legs. They went downhill shortly after they gotta TV deal, signed Angle and then got addicted to signing over the hill WWE/WCW guys
They became the new late 90s to early 2000s WCW a year or 2 later after that TV deal
They had potential too :smh:

I think wwe just ran into a brick wall because no superstar marketable  guy has come in with the like of rock, scsa ,etc WWE FARM SYSTEM SUCKS 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: The visual of this
The problem is that while they are good at development, they suck at making actual stars out of these people these days.

Not just Rock types.

There isn't that guy today outside of maybe Cena (and even that's pushing it) that you could point out to the average person and they would instantly recognize who it is.

But is that a result of bad development or is that a result of wrestling not being as mainstream as it was in the 90s?

Bad booking & bad writing.

What reason do we have to care about most of these guys really?

Well all these types of things happen when you give so many guys these deadend gimmicks and also dont let them showcase their talent correctly. For instance ECW didnt have the greatest wrestlers but Heyman played towards each of his guys strengths, hid their weaknesses and got the best outta them each night. WWE & even TNA used to do this but not anymore. Now they actually do the opposite :smh:

Booking is the pittssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss who does booking again , y does russev not have the us title yet 

Maybe cause they dont believe him yet, I personally think hes garbage
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