wcw in the end was trying to keep up , no one can put on a good show weekly forever 

Making David Arquette your champion shows me how serious they took things. I know everyone can't always put on a good show. Each company goes through highs and lows but after 1998, WCW was garbage man.
I was thinkn when was the rise/fall of each promotion when did things go sour or not as good . WCW, TNA , ECW etc 
I think wwe just ran into a brick wall because no superstar marketable  guy has come in with the like of rock, scsa ,etc WWE FARM SYSTEM SUCKS 
I was thinkn when was the rise/fall of each promotion when did things go sour or not as good . WCW, TNA , ECW etc 
Yea you are right. What is wrong with current WWE right now?
No competition. 

Watching the Monday Night Wars doc proves that. Back in the Attitude era, they said whenever there was an idea that came up where they can fit it into the show, they'd do it regardless of how much it costed em. Because Vince wanted to WIN that bad. Now he has no dambs but to push the Network for...

yea they were blowin money , VKM  had God main event , u know how much that is 
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hhh /rock,  al snow/bossman ,dlo/xpac  goldust/valvenus , kane/undertaker , are just some the i remember as a kid , n we didnt see the same match on every program every week .   If i watch uso/dust brothers wyatt/big bald team again i will explode
Well Paige was ready. WWE made a mistake of introducing her. They didn't build her up. They introduced her as a face when she is naturally a heel.

Ziggler was brought up too fast?

Roman Reigns brought up too fast? Because of his mic work?

Are you going to acknowledge The Wyatts, Shield, Rusev, Cena, Brock, Sheamus or anyone else that went through devleopmental? Even though we are discussing two different eras. (OVW (Zig) + NXT)

NXT is great
because guys get shot before theyre ready i.e zig , ramen reigns paige they expose them before they're able to be versatile and handle adversity . 

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: The visual of this

Well Paige was ready. WWE made a mistake of introducing her. They didn't build her up. They introduced her as a face when she is naturally a heel.

Ziggler was brought up too fast?

Roman Reigns brought up too fast? Because of his mic work?

Are you going to acknowledge The Wyatts, Shield, Rusev, Cena, Brock, Sheamus or anyone else that went through devleopmental? Even though we are discussing two different eras. (OVW (Zig) + NXT)

NXT is great

The problem is that while they are good at development, they suck at making actual stars out of these people these days.
Define star?

Are we talking about making a Rock type of superstar?

Not just Rock types.

There isn't that guy today outside of maybe Cena (and even that's pushing it) that you could point out to the average person and they would instantly recognize who it is.
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There isn't that guy today outside of maybe Cena (and even that's pushing it) that you could point out to the average person and they would instantly recognize who it is..
But is that a result of bad development or is that a result of wrestling not being as mainstream as it was in the 90s?
So you don't think he should have been called up though? Maybe he isn't ready for a Main Event push, but it is wild if you think he should still be in NXT.
ramen should be made to cut promos n nxt til he gets it right , this would be different if he didnt have a serious gimmick i never cared what rose or santino does cuz i kno what they are there for but all serious front runners should be able to entertain in both areas hell the rock was limited move wise but he hid it well enough 
But is that a result of bad development or is that a result of wrestling not being as mainstream as it was in the 90s?

Bad booking & bad writing.

What reason do we have to care about most of these guys really?
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sad but true i 3 of my friends outside my wrestling circle know who bo is no clue who ramen is , 1 watches raw just for bo now 
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