I'm diiiine for Secret Santa. I'd like to do another questionnaire too, cause mine was generic as hell :lol:

EC3 is awesome. That has nothing to do with Impact tonight as I forgot it was on. Dude is probably one of my faves in TNA, and I think he could pull off this character in the WWE too.

Speaking of characters, since Fandango is pretty much dead in the water with valets and pyro, he should just go back to being creepy Johnny Curtis.
Any room for a broke college kid in there? Probably won't participate until next year when I'm (hopefully) working full time. I wanna make sure my first go around is a good one
If I participate this year and get case...I'm getting him an Adam Rose shirt..

You do that and I'm going to find out where you live, break in your house, then punch you square in the throat while you sleep..

I've got everyone marked down that's posted so far.

I won KOTR earlier tonight on Super Card and it gave me two Super Rare Ryder's :lol:

I don't own a phone, so can this game be played on my laptop?
Remember this dude lol
And I agree with Peep on EC3. WWE made a mistake letting that dude go.


Dirty Curty also needs to be a thing again. Have his first creep target be AJ. :pimp:
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I haven't been around much my screen is craxked on my phone and it blows typin on it. but I miss you guys
watching rumble 01. they stopped the title match so steph and trish could cat fight haha. I've been on a rumble kick watched last year and going backwards. started Monday already at 01.
I remember the Unforgiven when they did the Championship Scramble matches. I loved those for some reason. I wish they would bring that match back :lol:

Brian Kendrick 1x Unofficial WWE Champion never forget :pimp:
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I remember the Unforgiven when they did the Championship Scramble matches. I loved those for some reason. I wish they would bring that match back :lol:

Brian Kendrick 1x Unofficial WWE Champion never forget :pimp:

Shelton couldn't even hold the strap unofficially :smh:
THE Brian Kendrick was the truth. He could have been a star if he just cut back on the weed. Dude was paying fines weekly for that. You can't get away with stuff like that unless your name is Randall Keith Orton.
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Put me in this years SS, I missed out on last years. I watch Raw on the DVR so I usually miss out on the discussions, but you'll see me post every now and then.
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