JDcurt, I think it would be a good idea for us to include what we received as gifts in last year's secret santa to try to avoid possibly getting the same thing. Just a thought though. Good looks on organizing it all again! :smokin
I'm marking you all down, but questionnaire's won't be sent until I have a confirmed list. The questionnaire's will be sent out on October 7th. You'll have almost a month to fill them out and get them back to me.

Good idea B Sox B Sox
JDcurt you can also count me in as well. Didn't actually mention it in my last post haha..
What is the WWE Card game all about. I have a dumb phone

Manic is so smooth man.
Im not really good at explaining but its a quick paced game of rock paper scissors. Each card has a stat for toughness, power, speed and charisma.

Each round, a category is chosen and you make your selection of which of your 5 cards in your hand to use. Who ever has the higher stat points wins. 

Thats it in a nutshell I think

Just scooped this 
I've got everyone marked down that's posted so far.

I won KOTR earlier tonight on Super Card and it gave me two Super Rare Ryder's :lol:
I'm down. Didn't participate last year but I have participated in the general forum secret santa. This thread has really helped me get back into wrestling. I also participated in the SS prediction contest.
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