I think some of you might think I am joking when I say this but this was a well put together match. Glad to see Joey Styles getting some shine. The only issue is Neville went to the springboard/top rope a few too many times. Other than that, there were some great spots/counters in this match. Take 10 minutes out of your time to watch. If you don't agree, don't watch anything else I recommend. -
@brendasdeadbaby - Much power to you man. I need to get a smart TV so I can watch those old NXTs because my computer is garbage. But you will enjoy yourself man. I wish they would have started in the smaller venue from the jump because I enjoy those way more than the big arena version of NXT

@John2st - I am starting from the first Nitro and will watch the PPVs in order as well. I wish I had Saturday Night, Worldwide, and Pro as well. They already have it digitized because they were up on the WWE on Demand channel that was on Comcast. I would rather watch Worldwide than any other wrestling show in history. Dead serious.
So while on the subject of The American Males, for those that know of their theme song know it is loosely based on rape. Yes, read the lyrics man.
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males

When ya see them comin
Better run for cover
Girls you dont need a weekend lover... UNNNN
American Males

If they want to talk
ya better not listen
you might wind up in critical condintion... HAHA
American Males

American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males

American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males

They're irrestable
They're unpredictablllle
American MAAALLLaYaYaYlllesssss

American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males

American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
American Males
AMERICAN MALES (fade to black)
I look at that Riggs zoomed in picture and laugh uncontrollably. The Flock was the biz though. What about Raven?!?!? Good times man. My dude took the grunge scene and spliced it with wrasslin. I'm about to start binge watch Nitro...tomorrow. Today is all about football.
Gonna have to wait until next week for to go in on Nitros.

WCW Thunder was my **** though man 
1. It is funny how Pillman and Benoit, understudies of Flair, both had some MEAN chops. Man Benoit might be the best chopper post-Prime Flair.

2. Benoit was so damn explosive man. Again, other than Muta, I don't know if anyone existed that had such quick moments of speed, quickness, power. So damn crisp in the right. On Episode 84 of Nitro Benoit vs. Guerrero. Damn both of those dudes are dead man. Hate being reminded of that.
"What about me? What about Raven??"

I really feel like Raven/DDP had an amazing feud. Cant wait to relive it on the network for the low low price of $9.99

your boys look good. hackenburg has a chance to make Psu relevant again after all that dumb stuff. my brothers girl goes there I'll be coming over for a game I'll have to let you know. we can tailgate and chat wrestling or somethig haha. af1 1982 af1 1982

Just lemme know fam :pimp: I don't have tickets but I'll be tailgating every game
While promoting the upcoming season of Total Divas, Brie Bella noted that her husband, former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, will not need a second surgery. He is currently undergoing rehabilitation and is slowly gaining strength back in his right arm. The arm was a major concern for both Bryan and doctors, as for months after his original surgery, he had very little feeling or strength in the appendage.

As of right now, when Bryan will be able to return to the ring is still unknown. The hope is that he will be back by the end of 2014, and are shooting for three months. That would put him back in December, prior to the WWE TLC pay-per-view, but if he needed more time a surprise return at the 2015 Royal Rumble could of course be a possibility.

We will continue to update Daniel Bryan’s status as more information becomes available.
They have A LOT of guys that would (hopefully/probably) get some nice pops if they were in the RR... it would fair way better than Bo Dallas' first attempt

If its in Philly like ppl say then im gon be there and if Steen comes out im losing it. Kill Steen Kill chants will happen lol
Man I think yall overestimate the number of people that knows who those NXT people are. I am the biggest NXT fan here but if Sami Zayn or Neville came out for a Royal Rumble, fans would be like WHO.
WWE ruins returns for me by announcing it for weeks, just have the dude pop up...it's hard due to the internet...but WWE doesn't have to confirm nor address it.
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