Watching Nitro after War Games 9/16

Mad disrespectful how many times Zbysko and Schiavone called Juvi, Juventud Guerrero. Dude been in WCW for like a month and still calling him the wrong name.

Mongo McMichael = Mojo Rawley

Also can't believe Harlem Heat's manager was a white dude in an all white suit named the Colonel.

Wow :x
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Glacier's Nitro debut coming up soon, so they're showing a vignette where he talks about himself. Dude can barely read the script. I'm talking Mayweather bad :x
Man what is up with their logic for uploading Smackdowns. No type of order at all. Killin me WWE.


Start of episode 5. Flair comes to the announce area and cuts a quick promo on Arn. Pepe is SO engaged on what Flair had to say, with his little trick glasses on. I was always intrigued by Pepe. I wonder if he is still living.

I started doing what you are doing (at ep1) but I said f it and skipped to the sting angle. but I am sure I will go back and do what you are doing.

now are you going back and watchin the ppv in the middle in order as well? I know you were always a wcw kid/guy and like I said Saturday nights no matter where we were my dad had wcw on or Crockett whatever it was at the time. But of course as a kid I migrated towards the larger than life wrestlers. as I got older I became a naw fan because of the shoot style they mastered. the stuff from late 80s was pure fire. those broadway flair matches were stuff of legend.

do you or does anyone have a clue whether we will get some gcw or Crockett stuff ever on the network?? I know they own almost all of the USA libraries but I figure a lot of that is to make DVDs and include all footage of whoever career they are focasing on. But man I really hope we get more than wcw ecw wwe and wccw on the network.
I have the chance to go to WWE live again at school. Probably gonna skip out this time, football is back :pimp:

your boys look good. hackenburg has a chance to make Psu relevant again after all that dumb stuff. my brothers girl goes there I'll be coming over for a game I'll have to let you know. we can tailgate and chat wrestling or somethig haha. @af1 1982
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Watching Nitro after War Games 9/16

Mad disrespectful how many times Zbysko and Schiavone called Juvi, Juventud Guerrero. Dude been in WCW for like a month and still calling him the wrong name.

Mongo McMichael = Mojo Rawley

Also can't believe Harlem Heat's manager was a white dude in an all white suit named the Colonel.

Wow :x

they originally had them shackled at the ankles like legit slaves. and the story goes that colonel Parker (the white dude) won them in a card game. aka slaves. someone smart said the shackles were a bad idea. lol wrestling racism
Glacier's Nitro debut coming up soon, so they're showing a vignette where he talks about himself. Dude can barely read the script. I'm talking Mayweather bad :x

the one nitro maybe his third? they said he chose between becoming a carpenter or a martial artist or somethig like that lol. so he took up martial arts and became a swag genies character. still can't get over his entrance cost like 1 mil or something along those lines.

the money this company blew is astronomical. and to think they realistically should of put wwe out of business 10 times over and had
everything In place except locker room order and a booking team who knew wrestling. also to think that they had no type of
merchandise wing in the company is insane. wwe makes all of their money from tshirts and stuff of that nature.
Glacier's Nitro debut coming up soon, so they're showing a vignette where he talks about himself. Dude can barely read the script. I'm talking Mayweather bad :x

the one nitro maybe his third? they said he chose between becoming a carpenter or a martial artist or somethig like that lol. so he took up martial arts and became a swag genies character. still can't get over his entrance cost like 1 mil or something along those lines.

the money this company blew is astronomical. and to think they realistically should of put wwe out of business 10 times over and had
everything In place except locker room order and a booking team who knew wrestling. also to think that they had no type of
merchandise wing in the company is insane. wwe makes all of their money from tshirts and stuff of that nature.

So funny that every dude in the company had pyro it seems :rofl:
wcw was only worried about beating wwf. which was their downfall. instead of trying to best themselves and be the best they could be. there is no reason that wcw isn't around. it's sad that it was ran in the corporate world where it was more of an asset than anything else.
if you look back at the ratings in 2000 and 2001 wcw was doing mid 2 to low 3s. that's what wwe does now!

how bout this for thought.. what if instead of Vince being the genius that he was and putting Heyman in his pocket at the time, WCW says "come replace *****off and Russo" and take the reigns of our company. they give him the open check book and the 5 hours of prime time tv. and if time warner never pulled the plug and just embraced it. WCW would still be around Id bet my
life on it.
now to think about it I bet Vince funneled money into ecw and heymans pocket strictly to keep him out of wcw.
where is this cut throat balls to the wall VKM?
Cena can hold his own whenever he wants to.

It just that you see those types of matches from him less times than you see the deadman
Yesse has 100 days left in Mexico. NTWT summit
El Cartel Gato too reall out there b. Someone would end up missing
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