Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

Hate when fans say that a wrestler like Cena needs to be carried to have a good match
Almost as bad as bball fans saying, "If ____ is the best player on your team, you won't win a ring."

Well only 3 dudes in the NBA can make that claim.

So yea, when they say that aboit Cwna, they can prerty mucb say the same about most wrestlers.

But qe are supposed to grade Sasha/Bayley vs. CENA/Jinger Mahal
Cena is underrated in my book as a wrestler. He's improved so much. You can hate on him about anything else except his in ring work. No I'm not a cena fan
Whats the difference?

Baki is more about martial arts of all types, the core plot is his mother is rich and obsessive controlling so he seeks out his father and gets his *** handed to him. From there it's really about Baki finding his place for himself and trying to prove his family wrong while proving to himself he is worth something.
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I watched the first episode
It takes a couple episodes before it gets good, but once the NJPW guys start showing up it gets really fun.
I legit feel bad for BC they gave him trash theme music then a failed cash in.

I dunno, I remember seeing him at house shows really just getting worked by the crowd. He handled it ok, but you could tell it bugs the eff out of him no matter how heel he is trying to be. His new theme does suck though and he just doesn't have the mic skills or charisma to sell anything to me.

Him beating up Pika Lucha was kind of funny though lol.
It makes PERFECT sense.

People view creative movesets as a reason why one wrestler can wrestle better than another.

Is that really hard to understand?

Then why not just say, "Do you view her as better because she has a larger moveset?" Why would I care WHO she models her moveset after?
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