Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 I thought Pron Girl WAS Ibushi. That is wild.

Also, how did you like Baki?

Man, Kenny needs to stop playing and just go running back to him. The Duds don't love him like Ibutan does.

I loved the manga. I really dig Muay Thai so when I first saw it that's what drew me to it. Interestingly I found a connection between him trying to beat his father and my own strained relationship with mine so I think that's why I have a fondness for it. But overall it was a great series. I just never finished watching the Anime. The live action movie was kind of cool bit I would have rather just watched Ong Bak.

Thanks guys DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345 im gonna check both

I just started this old series Gintama. Tooooo funny :lol:

Live action Gintama looks awesome!

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a fun show too

I couldn't get into it no matter how many people suggested it. The names and concept seemed so funny and then i watched it and I couldnt do it. It was somehow TOO absurd for me, and that is saying A LOT. There is a live action film you should check out if you dig it though. My friend really enjoyednit, just came out in Japan.

I like the one anime show with the tentacles penetrating women.

Which one, La Blue Girl, Urotsukidoji, Venus 5, I can keep going?
Can we blame Flair'a current health crisis on Cena for tying him for. #16?

Sasha wouldn't have done that.
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