Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4


aiden english is eddie's son in law?

i like him as GM, keep teasing us with db fueds for the next 9 months, then BAM a sucker punch from ko, db out for a couple weeks, then summer slam match, only because it's no room for db right now, hell finn v bray is about to go 1st or 2nd at ss
Reading about GFW tapings and it seems on every show, there has to be 5 segments where someone comes out to make a save.
drewdioxin2345 drewdioxin2345
DNA Drew,

You ever watch programming from NHK?

I randomly throw something on from time to time. Or I watch Begin Japanology.

Video On Demand - NHK WORLD - English https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/vod/

I was just talking about most of my news comes from NHK lol. I am extremely Japanese centric when it comes to current events since I want to live there so badly. I usually watch that or TV Tokyo as well.
Only good things about Brodus was Naomi and Cameron poppin and twerkin during his entrance and both his heel themes
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