Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

sasha and braun been doing a lot of the media stuff
hmmm....preping for their morning talk show interview after SS?
I'm gonna miss both cause I cancelled my Network subscription..Just couldn't justify paying for WWE's product anymore..I'll probably try to catch it on watchwrestling after it's over..Unless they have it live on their site..
No my name is D Fly.

The chances of Adam Cole appearing at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn just increased greatly because the former ROH champ was spotted at the airport heading to New York with NXTs crew.

A well-placed source passed along this photo taken Friday afternoon at Orlando International Airport showing Cole with Johnny Gargano and Roderick Strong, as well as what looks like Pete Dunne and Trent Seven before their flight to LaGuardia Airport.

As we previously reported, Adam Cole signed a deal with WWE and is set to debut soon. With TakeOver being tomorrow, it looks theres a good chance we see him on the show in some capacity.

Get hyped, bay bay!

There is a pic making the rounds showing Taker boarding a flight to NY. Sorry if the pice hss been posted on here, i have javascript turned off.

Some fans are going to have anti Trump protests during TO,SSlam, etc.
And Vince won't give a ****

Hell no he won't..Dude has dropped the N-word on his shows before and falls right in line with our Commander-In-Turd..So there's no way he'll remove his wife's boss from the HOF..

I've seen the Taker rumor floating around on several reliable wrestling news sites..We'll see if he makes a surprise appearance or not..
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