Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

^ No one wants to hear a damn gong

Dude should just retire

Everybody wants to hear the gong..But I agree Taker needs to be done in the ring..But I'd completely mark out if WWE gave him a proper send off after he gave a retirement speech..
Thinking about it, I'd love to see the lights go out in the arena, gong hits, lights come up with Taker in the ring..UT chokeslams Tama TongaLite, shakes LeBrawn's hand, I'm Not Finished With You pins RR for the title..Taker officially passes the torch to Strowman..
Thinking about it, I'd love to see the lights go out in the arena, gong hits, lights come up with Taker in the ring..UT chokeslams Tama TongaLite, shakes LeBrawn's hand, I'm Not Finished With You pins RR for the title..Taker officially passes the torch to Strowman..

Hmmmmmm, not bad.
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