Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

I think whoever wins the Mae Young Classic will be crowned the new women's champ if Asuka vacates bc I don't think she loses. Either that or the winner takes on Ember for the vacant title.

I hope so, I would rather see the winner take it and it would hopefully end up being Kairi. Go from a "heel" champ to a straight face champ. And Waifu's stay on top like they should lol
I think whoever wins the Mae Young Classic will be crowned the new women's champ if Asuka vacates bc I don't think she loses. Either that or the winner takes on Ember for the vacant title.

probably some fatal four way type
combination of ruby riot, nikki cross, billie/peyton, winner of mae young, ember moon, or some other ladies

is dunne still injured? plan was to have him and jack gallagher go at it
Nikki Cross.
Even in NXT, the WWE has a habit of setting up matches where neither person can afford to lose. Gargano is on his post-injury comeback tour, and Almas has a new valet and is trying to build momentum. Aleister Black is undefeated, and Itami is fresh off a heel turn and still still needs to be built up. Drew McIntyre is building momentum for his own comeback, and Roode should already be on the main roster, but do you really want him losing the title to McIntyre??? Jesus

Well we're guaranteed good matches at least
As firs reported by Top Rope Press, rumors of Ryan Ward replacing Brian “Road Dogg” James as the head writer of WWE Smackdown are not exactly true, as James was actually given a recent promotion in the company. James’ new roll in WWE is something along the lines of head consultant, although the exact job title has yet to be confirmed.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter has since confirmed the above report, adding James and Ryan Ward are responsible for pitching scripts to Vince McMahon for his approval, at which point Vince re-writes the shows as he sees fit. James is also the person who reads the scripts to the other creative team members, a job that he has been doing for quite sometime now.

With James’ recent promotion, he is technically above Ryan Ward now, however Ward retains the title of Smackdown head writer, and him and James basically share co-head writing responsibilities.

With regards to Brian James’ future in WWE, he said to be someone who will be a big backstage power broker when Triple H eventually takes over control of WWE, and will be somewhat of Triple H’s envoy in the company.
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