Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

So my dryer broke and I had to use the laundry mat. Why y'all ain't tell me this ish mad expensive. 3.50 to use a washer and it's mad small smh.
They are! You got the potatoes and then you got tomatoes (the ketchup.)

oh Mexico is my home for the next few years, I'll just be visiting Philly for like a month at a time for the next 6 months training with people more my size and hitting up that strength program.

my secret dream is to take part in something going on in NO Wrestlemania weekend, you know all the indies are going to run cards that week and it would be an honor to compete.

....and if you're asking if I can hit a hurricanrana, the answer is still no...I did finally get that Magistral Cradle right tho. little stuff like hand placement and foot positioning came easyish because I have a little experience in other combat sports, but obviously pro wrestling is a bit different...for instance, I'm not looking forward to bouncing off American ropes, which tend to be a lot tighter.

I generally feel like I'm at least in a place where I have my license, so to speak, now it's time to slowly become a NASCAR driver.

good **** man, I know that check is looking robust if you're putting in that OT.
How are you treated on the wrestling scene?
My degree is actually in Film Studies and New Media theory, but I had worked at this job in CC and they hired me back after I returned from Japan in March. I really enjoyed it so I didn't hesitate to return in a more senior role.

CC/University is simply HS 2.0/3.0. The educational system is in shambles from Kindergarten up, but higher education run as a business pisses me off to no end. I would love to know what @dcallamerican think a being an educator.

I don't blame you. Libraries are definitely the place for chill jobs for the most part. Grade schools on the other hand...
Wait hold up

So Seth, Dean and Reigns all on RAW...

Seth and Dean magically get a shot at the tag titles out of nowhere (no RKO)

And Reigns going for the Universal Title

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