Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

For a hot second. Undertaker beat his *** for a couple weeks, everyone found out he had not the slightest trait from his dad other than the Flair name, then he was gone
damn he was actually entertaining in wcw with crowbar and daphnie
they could have atleast thrown ric a bone and let him be a jobber or manager :lol:
With Takeover you got

Ember vs. Asuka

Itami vs. Black

Almas vs. Gargano

Possibly Adam Cole's debut

Sanity vs. AOP

McIntyre vs. Roode

All those matches are at least interesting on paper.
Man I started the survey and they had matches on Raw that was supposed to be the SS match for example the CW title match. Now I have to get rid of that match on the survey but then they may have a IC title match but it's not confirmed yet.

Cruiserweight title match is on summerslam.. Neville get his rematch..
What if Baron Corbin cashes in the main event and wins the Universal Title so he goes to Raw, then Raw gives SDL someone in return

Yea I feel like theyre banking all of some wow factor like that to carry this PPV.

Bc literally nothing expect the Universal match is interesting
Miz putting finn over at summerfest for the ic belt would've been better than this bum Bray


What if Baron Corbin cashes in the main event and wins the Universal Title so he goes to Raw, then Raw gives SDL someone in return

How to do basic cooking.
How to be in an interview.
How to dress professionally.
How to treat a lady.
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