Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4


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I hope the plan all along is for Jason Jordan to become a huge heel, or else this is gonna be a major flop at a face attempt :lol:

And put that title on Braun. There's no better time to do it then right now. Reigns doesn't need his 5th coronation. If not Braun, then Joe, but preferably Braun.
If it's not Reigns time I want Joe to hold the belt. Since Joe is over on Raw best time to put it on Joe especially at his age right now. Braun can hold the title down the line.
We already got the broken alerts notifier and now they took away timestamps under the watched threads tab so I can figure out if something new has been posted or not without having to read every thread? Come on NT. Not liking these new overnight updates at all.

So I'm going to miss NXT + SummerSlam this weekend. Leaving for a cruise on Saturday for a week.

You won tbh

I'm also gonna miss it as I'm going on Vacation. Can anyone that's attending cop me a Brooklyn 3:16 shirt if they drop?

Whats this about a BK 3:16 shirt?

Im a train ride away...

I hope the plan all along is for Jason Jordan to become a huge heel, or else this is gonna be a major flop at a face attempt :lol:

And put that title on Braun. There's no better time to do it then right now. Reigns doesn't need his 5th coronation. If not Braun, then Joe, but preferably Braun.

All this.

But worst case scenario im fine with Reigns winning it again. Anybody but brock

Pray for @22stylez
I think Samoa Joe should win the title. He needs it the most and Heyman has been pushing backstage for him to win it. Braun doesn't need it right now and neither does Reigns. Lesnar is the worst option. I hope he loses so he's out of the company for good.
Need some ideas.

I have to come up with some ideas for real world skills that kids in an urban setting should have.

So far I have.

grocery shopping,

public transportation outside of going to and from school

What else....
Need some ideas.

I have to come up with some ideas for real world skills that kids in an urban setting should have.

So far I have.

grocery shopping,

public transportation outside of going to and from school

What else....

Calling out injustice, bigotry, sexism (any negative -ism really). I think the best thing you can do is instill understanding and peaceful resolution skills. When I volunteer in the classes my elementary level teacher friends work in, I try to get the kids engaged in positive discussion about things like change, peace, and self esteem. I'm really quick to call out students on negative behavior that is detrimental to not only themselves but others in an attempt to foster a better understanding of one another and build community instead of focusing on the differences we all may have.
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