Wrestling Thread Week of March 28th/ NXT Takeover Friday/ WrestleMania Sunday

What are you more excited for WM or NXT Takeover Dallas

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The D-O Double G :smokin

Remember jump off everything imaginable doing the "Suck it" X back then. Their group entrance was lit.
Transcript of Road Dogg's AOL chat from 99
The Road Dogg's AOL Chat
June 23, 1999
What do you plan on doing to Chyna this Sunday at King of the Ring?
Road Dogg

She has been very brutal with me up until this point especially for someone that I thought was my friend. My mother told me never to hit a woman but she has stepped into the shoes of a man and therefore I'm gonna beat the hell out of her.

Will DX be getting any new members soon?

Road Dogg
I think the only one we would consider, and he may already be a member but I'm too scared to ask him, is Kane. Kane is a brutal as Billy Gunn, Triple H and Chyna combined!

Who are your best friends in the locker room?

Road Dogg
That would be a neck-and-neck tie between X-Pac and Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett simply because of our history. We've been through a lot together.

What wrestlers did you idolize growing up?

Road Dogg
My father, Bob Armstrong, and my brother Brad Armstrong. I like to keep it in the family. And also Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig.

What was the best practical joke you ever played on another superstar?

Road Dogg
I'm not really a practical joker to tell you the truth. But I did urinate into Lex Luger's bottle of body spray that he spray on himself every night before he went out. Because I was allegric to it and it bothered me and he knew it but he kept wearing it So I got back at him!
Flexy Lexy!

Which one of your five championship wins was the most memorable?

Road Dogg
Tag Team Titles, first time, with Billy, for sure. It was the first time somebody showed me that I was good enough to represent their company as a champion.

How did you come up with "Oh, you didn't know?" and "Your *** better call somebody"?

Road Dogg
To be quite honest, Chainz from DOA used to say, "Oh you didn't know?" all the time. And I added in "Your *** better call somebody." And it just so happens it fit with my entrance music, so it stuck.

Are you going to team up with X-Pac for the Tag Team Championship?

Road Dogg
I'd like to team up with X-Pac, but I'm scared to ask Kane to step off the apron. Me & X-Pac would be a great team, we've got heart and we like to have a good time. And if you're not having a good time with me & X-Pac, I believe we got just two words for ya!

How did you get your name Road Dogg?

Road Dogg
Jeff Jarrett gave me that name when I was the Roadie in 1995 in the WWF.

What inspired you to get into wrestling?

Road Dogg
It's a family tradition. My father and I have three older brothers in it. You pretty much emulate your daddy, it's like an American tradition. Definitely my involvement with my family made me want to become a professional wrestler.

Are you single? Or do you have a girlfriend? Cause I would love to date you!

Road Dogg
I would love to date you too but my wife would kill both of us. I have two beautiful children too. But thanks for the offer it's very flattering.

Road Dogg, do you think you will go for the WWF championship?

Road Dogg
I don't think I'm ready for the WWF Championship to be quite honest. Not that I'm a bad wrestler, but it's a very complicated title to hold. It takes a lot of maturity in many ways. But I think Stone Cold is doing a pretty nice job.

What are your feelings toward Billy Gunn?

Road Dogg
That's a complicated question. Me & Billy were tight, he was like my first partner, and in real life as well he thinks he is better than me. And that frustrates me. So any chance I get I like to punch Billy in the mouth, to let him know he's not better than me. And we're not equals. I'm better than him!

What is your strategy for beating Chyna this Sunday?

Road Dogg
I'm gonna hit her with a nut shot!

What is the best part of being a pro wrestler?

Road Dogg
The money because the fame is not worth being away from your family, but the fortune makes it all worth the while. I don't know if that makes the business sound good, but my family is more important to me than the business. No offense wrestling fans!

What is your favorite band?

Road Dogg
I'm gonna have to do with the No Limit record label. Master P is the executive producer, and I know he works for a competing company, but I happen to like all his talent--about 10 different guys. And I happen to be a big fan of all of them, even though he works for WCW. But my brother is a member of the No Limit Soldiers.

What do you think of your brother Brad joining forces with Master P in WCW?

Road Dogg
I love it. It's about time they did something with my family down south. It's long overdue. They spend a lot more time with a lot less talented people, and a lot more money on a lot less talented people. And if you can't tell, I like to brag about my family's talent.

Do you have any plans to be Hardcore Champion again?

Road Dogg
Yes I do. I surely do. I think I found my niche when I became the Hardcore Champ and it wasn't my idea to lose it, but it's my idea to get it back, and it's just a matter of time.

Who was your toughest opponent?

Road Dogg
I'm gonna be honest, it is Bradshaw of the Acolytes. I'm sure everyone in the chat rooms has heard tales of his flurries of pain. Damn him!

What kind of effect does your wrestling career have on your personal life?

Road Dogg
It has a big effect. I have two children and a wife and I'm away from them about 250 days a year. And I miss a lot of birthdays and holidays. But we're doing well right now so hopefully I'll be entertaining the fans for a few more years then I'll get to spend time with my family and reap the benefits.

How many tattoos do you have, and which is your favorite?

Road Dogg
I have 11. My favorite is the one of your momma's name on my ***! Sorry buddy!

Who do you respect most in the sports-entertainment business?

Road Dogg
That's gotta be somebody with strong values and strong morals and in our business I don't think there's anyone like that. I respect X-Pac and Jeff Jarrett, they've always been honest with me. It's sad to say; our business is like government, only the bottom 10 percent work in it.

How long do you plan on wrestling?

Road Dogg
I just renegotiated and signed for five more years and to be quite honest I'd like to hang it up after that but I don't know if I can. Being a wrestler you have to love it and it makes you do silly things sometimes. Five more years hopefully.

What did you think of Billy Gunn stealing one of the tag belts Monday night?

Road Dogg
That's the only way he'll ever get one of those belts without me. He tells everybody that he made the Outlaws, but I think our reputation speaks for itself. He was merely the window dressing.

What was the greatest moment of your wrestling career?

Road Dogg
What stands out most was when Billy and I first formed and we worked with Mick Foley and it was in Nassau and we came out with Rangers jerseys and it was a Handicap Match. It was great because Mick Foley was from there and we were just getting formed as a heel team and it really stands out. That and the Dumpster Match because I was in the hospital for three days.

Do you think you could ever team up with Billy Gunn again?

Road Dogg
I could team up with Billy again but it would have to be after a few apologies and he would have to realize that he's not the greatest thing on Earth and it took both of us to get where we got.

What do you think of Vince McMahon?

Road Dogg
Vince has always been real good to me. I've given him plenty of reasons not to trust me and not to have faith in me. But he always has and he's used me well lately. We've never had any problems. Vince is not that @#$hole you see on TV. Ok, he is that @#$hole you see on TV. I was just lyin' to get over with him!

Do you want to do any TV or movies?

Road Dogg
A lot of wrestlers want to do that and I think I could do that because we do live TV every Monday and Sunday sometimes. I could do it, but I think their days are a lot longer and a lot more tedious. I'd just as soon stick to gettin' my *** whooped if it's all the same to everybody else.

Who do you think is the most entertaining superstar in the business?

Road Dogg
It hurts me to say it, but I like to watch The Rock. I like to hear his interviews. Personally, we're conflicted because he's another Billy Gunn. He thinks he's better than everybody else. But I love watching him and I'd love to kick his teeth in. Also Stone Cold because he drinks beer and does all kinds of cool stuff.

Do you have any free time ever?

Road Dogg
Hardly ever, but in my free time, I like to masturbate and smoke marijuana. Not necessary in that order (this chat is Rated R). One of my mom's friends from work is probably in the chat room right now and my mom is gonna catch hell for that.

What do you think of ECW?

Road Dogg
I like ECW, I think they've got a lot of guys with some talent. There's kind of a sour taste in my mouth for them as businessmen after that run they did a few years ago with the WWF. Bless their hearts, though, they love doin' it and they bust their ***** doing it. That's all I do, I'm just more lucky I guess. But I like their style. Sometimes they kick it Doggy Style!

After Chyna, who would you most like to face in the King of the Ring tournament?

Road Dogg
Billy. I'm not done with Billy. They keep throwing us together in little six-man tags. I want Billy nose to nose and toes to toes and I wouldn't mind doing it at the King of the Ring.

What do you think of Steve Austin as CEO of the World Wrestling Federation?

Road Dogg
I love Steve Austin as CEO of the WWF. He books some interesting matches and he runs things the way anybody would want things run. You don't have to wait 'til after work to drink a cold one.

What's it like to have 20,000 people chanting along with you every night?

Road Dogg
It's the biggest and best rush there is on the face of the Earth. And I'm addicted to that rush I get. When people say, "Oh You Didn't Know," I love it!

Any final comments, Road Dogg?

Road Dogg
Don't worry about the D-O-double-G, he'll always be true to the fans. And if they're not true to him he's got two words for them... kiss my ***! Oh wait that's three words. I'll be here all week don't forget to tip your waitresses. Please keep watching and keep chanting. The D-O-double-G will do his dead level best. I would talk longer but I just twisted one!
Transcript of Road Dogg's AOL chat from 99

Do you have any free time ever?

Road Dogg
Hardly ever, but in my free time, I like to masturbate and smoke marijuana. Not necessary in that order (this chat is Rated R). One of my mom's friends from work is probably in the chat room right now and my mom is gonna catch hell for that.

He'd fit right in with NTWT.
Apparently one of my old coworkers is Road Dogg's bastard son.

Random Thought: Who thinks AJ is going pull off a Spiral Tap at Mania?
she is but like alexa how should i say, the whole thing about people saying the camera adds 10 pounds? is that the saying? its true camera makes them both look a lot thicker

Have you seen Alexa in person? Because JDC and I would like to respectfully disagree with that statement.
[h1]Seth Rollins — Back in the Ring, Training Multiple Times a Week[/h1]
The return of Seth Rollins is getting closer … sources tell Pro Wrestling Sheet that The Architect is once again training in a wrestling ring — but the former Champ is making sure to play it safe.
Our sources say Rollins has been working in the ring without a brace at his Black and Brave Wrestling Academy in Illinois, usually multiple times a week, but he’s cautious about leg involvement and plays it safe by icing his knee after every training session.

Seth was injured back in November and shortly after underwent reconstructive knee surgery.  It was projected he’d be out for 6-9 months at the time, and 4 months of that have already passed.

Could Rollins pull a John Cena-like move and return from injury early?  Only time will tell.
[h1]Seth Rollins — Back in the Ring, Training Multiple Times a Week[/h1]

The return of Seth Rollins is getting closer … sources tell Pro Wrestling Sheet that The Architect is once again training in a wrestling ring — but the former Champ is making sure to play it safe.

Our sources say Rollins has been working in the ring without a brace at his Black and Brave Wrestling Academy in Illinois, usually multiple times a week, but he’s cautious about leg involvement and plays it safe by icing his knee after every training session.

Seth was injured back in November and shortly after underwent reconstructive knee surgery.  It was projected he’d be out for 6-9 months at the time, and 4 months of that have already passed.

Could Rollins pull a John Cena-like move and return from injury early?  Only time will tell.

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