Wrestling Thread Week of March 28th/ NXT Takeover Friday/ WrestleMania Sunday

What are you more excited for WM or NXT Takeover Dallas

  • WM

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NXT

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters
Watching an old Smackdown and Thuganomics Cena's pop was as big as it's ever been for him.
He is the chosen one.

Anyone else remember when Al Snow said Meltzer was the greatest in ring worker of all time and Hogan/Andre was better than Steamboat/Savage and WM3 because it sold the tickets? :lol: and I usually appreciate Snow's insight
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@DCAllAmerican @gunnascott @green rhino123 ..Who had the better execution to a move, Ricky Steamboat doing an arm drag or Arn Anderson doing a SpineBuster?..
Arn's SpineBuster is a thing of beauty man. One of my favorite moves of all time. But I told you that Arn also does the best DDT to me as well. His moves were so impactful.

Becky Lynch has a solid arm drag for the new generation.

I also was a fan of Kidman's sitout spinebuster. Best example I can find but Kidman (and Kojima) grabbed the opponent from the ANKLES and not the underarms

Yo smarks, I'm gonna pull the trigger on a big gold belt, any suggestions.
Dave Millican is too much, but WWE's too rinky dink.
I want the custom nameplate, been eyeing a fandu, but still not sure.
What are your plans for the belt?

Carry it around?

Put it in a trophy room at your house?
I guarantee you'll be happy with it..
How entertaining can owning a belt be?
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I saw him do that live when I went to an FIP show, thought it was the most unrealistic moves I have ever seen. Lol
Roy Hibbert of the LA Lakers with Steve Austin - EP306 - The Steve Austin Show - Unleashed! http://podcastone.com/pg/jsp/program/episode.jsp?programID=436&pid=1635301

Two-time NBA All-Star and current LA Lakers center, Roy Hibbert, loves the WWE, MMA, and reality TV shows! He's a graduate of Georgetown University, a newly-minted LA local, and says he's not good at "trash talkin'" on the court! But he's calling out those who are! And he's giving an inside look at life in the NBA - from the specially-outfitted planes for the players to how he spends his NBA salary to working out with the great Tim Duncan to being star-struck by Lebron James! Roy's sharing workout and nutrition tips, and explaining why naps on game days are important! You'll also hear the story behind his $75k fine, his visit with a sports psychologist, and how he deals with the camera crews following the Lakers 24/7 for Kobe Bryant's final season! 
Roy Hibbert is a random guest for Stone Cold to get on the Pod, Will hopefully be a good listen.
Exactly how much of this is legit or exaggerated you can make up your own mind, but the Vince McMahon vs. HHH dynamic is something that everyone is talking about internally, even more since Shane McMahon appeared on the scene. The feeling is that if Shane McMahon actually does come back into the company in an executive capacity that it’ll be Vince playing Shane against HHH and Stephanie.
While publicly HHH will say Vince loves NXT, the internal perception is very different, seeing it as a touring brand filled with so many guys Vince doesn’t believe are money. We do know there was a lot of heat on HHH and complaints for not selling the Reigns beating in public, because he had to get his face on the NXT show in London knowing it would be a super show in front of that crowd and he didn’t want anyone to not know it was his creation and baby.

The questions regarding Reigns given how he’s not gotten over with HHH as his adversary for so long has led to plenty of finger pointing, although a lot of people pointed to the crotch chop on Raw as the sign HHH is no longer really behind the cause of getting Reigns over as a face. Perhaps that’s just paranoia and frustration, but the way Reigns was eliminated at the Rumble and the HHH/Reigns interaction with him has been curious to say the least.
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 Meant to tell yall, there is a girl on my track team namd "Bella." So whenever we are in the weight room the boys try to hype her up by saying, "LET'S GO BRIE MODE."

And no, I didn't tell them to do it
can't wait to smash case's belt across the drunken skull of 22 in Dallas. Gonna give that belt some color
Didn't someone in here say that Will Osprey is signed to new Japan? Bauer and Pollock just mentioned him and said he is NOT signed to NJPW.
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