WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

There's been alot of matches tonight. Most of the roster got T.V time.

About time they realized this is wrestling. Every week should be stacked with matches.
I wonder how much more money they make by having the brands separate. Granted they can run 3-5 shows a week per brand but I would rather have one big brand again with different matches ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!
They should keep Dolph in the time slot. Make fans believe he is headliner material.

Agreed. Everybody getting some sort of shine in some way.
Man the jobbers have been pretty busy tonight.

3MB, Ryder, Yoshi, Alex Riley (
), Brodus & Tensai (who actually won), and of course Ziggler.

Only major jobber MIA tonight was Santino.
What about...Jericho winning the EC....Ziggler cashes that night on ADR and then it's Ziggy vs Jericho at WM
This did cross my mind when Ziggler was doing his anti-Jericho promo.

Wouldn't be mad if Vince went in this direction but I doubt that happens.
DAMN! That baseball slide.  Rosa hasn't been hit that hard since Jackson Andrews.

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Benoit is SO eliminated from WWE History, let me tell you a story.

The Mysterio/Malenko match from Great American Bash 96 had a little segment when Mike Tenay mentioned how Malenko has been wrestling great light heavyweights from around the world. "The Benoits, Ohtanis, and Ligers of the world."

Bleeped out.

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