WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

- Due to WWE Diva Naomi reportedly needing surgery to repair her fractured orbital bone, it appears that the plans for the Divas Title will change heading into WrestleMania. According to sources, Naomi was supposed to win the Divas Title either prior to or at WrestleMania 30. With her getting surgery to repair the orbital bone, she will now be out for a few months.

Great job Aksana

Cameron by herself, girl bye

One of my predictions was gonna come to fruition.

Get well baby girl.
I know different promotions, but Douglas would use constant F bombs and vulgar sexual terms.  I would say it was a bit different than whoop *** and candy ***.

And I have zero doubt that if Austin or Rock had the freedom to curse that way, like Douglas did, that they would do it constantly..I mean just listen to SCSA's podcast..The dude drop foul language more often than he use's the word "the"..But like I said, I understand your point and agree to an extent..But besides the cursing, Douglas was one of the best promo men of the 90's and regardless of the cussing his promos always delivered and came across like they were from the heart..His rants on Flair and Taz were must see ECW TV..
Weird, if you go to WWE.com, they removed Antonio from Cesaro's name. Now he's just "Cesaro".
Batista with the Gracie symbol on his trunks and the 28s... dude is a clown.

Why is he back?

Dave is a purple belt I believe.  I'm sure he would tap you out.
He might, he might not. That's not the point.

Having a Gracie symbol in a WWE ring on your *** isn't a good look.

edit: after thinking about it, IF he is getting sponsered from them like Brock is by Jack Links i believe (or was) then I have 0 problem with it.

Either way him wearing it for NO reason, it's not apart of his storyline or anything, is stupid. Nice to be Trips friends...
Punk wore Gracie Jui Juitsu stuff ALL time the time.  Never heard you complain about him.
Reigns was showing his alpha that segment.

And it was shaky for a bit, but Bray Wyatt is coming into his own.

See what happens when you don't have him feud with Kane and Miz?
Reigns was definitely the alpha.

Still want to see Bray prove it in the ring.  Outside of one good match with Daniel Bryan (I could have a good match with Daniel Bryan), I haven't seen much from him.
Could The Jet have a good match with D Bry?...
No, he only rolls around with Stevie Richards.
My gut is telling me that Rusev will get the Tensai treatment, pushed as a huge monster and when the fans don't react, he will be dropped with the quickness.

100% agree.

When/if that happens, this is his future


I wish they would start pushing Summer Rae more as an actual wrestler.
We'll be seeing a lot more of her once the new season of Total Divas starts.

Will they be making her face as well, thus killing her appeal?
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Cody Rhodes did in fact get injured during last week's cage match on that moonsault.  He either sprained or tore something in his knee.  He didn't work the house shows all weekend and worked very little last night while wearing a brace.  We should know more soon.
Hated what Roman had to say after that point.

Come on bro is that the kind of face you're gonna be? A mini cena with that "come on dean what kind of champ do you wanna be" nonsense

Ziggler.....man.....he's 33. he can't afford to just sit and chill like JTG, Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins, and it's a shame that I have to even mention his name with them. Japan looks pretty good right now.
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