WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Sheamus has been gone for a long time, yet he's back, and it doesn't even feel like he left. I'm sick of him already
Awesome match between Cena and Cesaro.  If Vince can't see what they have in Cesaro, he deserves to go out of business.

Why is HHH talking to Orton?  Didn't Kane say earlier the Authority wasn't there tonight?
"You know when you say "oh you didn't know?" "Wha.. what do you..?"
Word, that was bad.

They have slobbishness in their lineage so they get a pass.
Whatever happened to the winners of tough enough?

- Maven worked for the Home Shopping Network before getting arrested.
- Nidia started some gourmet cooking business.
- Miss Jackie is married to Charlie Haas and does Miss Fitness competitions
- Linda Miles is probably still a substitute teacher
- Morrison is still being Melina's *****, and takes acting classes and still competes in the indies
- Matt Cappotelli is still undergoing chemo after a brain tumor (?)
- Daniel Puder still does MMA and wrestles in Japan
- Andy wrestles in Puerto Rico
I liked how that ended actually, we all know that Cena was gonna end up being the last guy in the ring anyway.
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