WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

I'm not big into wrestling really anymore though but I know how the DB fans feel. I was the same way when the undertaker didn't win a title for like 6 years. Finally ended up winning it at WM 13 and I was the happiest kid ever back then.

He was screwed pretty much like DB is now, if not worse IMO.
Gonna pass on the network until I see the WM card

I'm expecting those numbers to be through the roof

I don't see why anyone would pass on the network just because of tonight and not knowing what the WM card looks like. The PPV'S from the past is well worth the 10 bucks a month
I understand them trying to book Bryan vs. Triple H, but why the eff would that be a Wrestlemania-quality match?
How much over is Triple H going to make him?
And if the point of going over Triple H is to get him a title match, why not have THAT match tonight and then have him win the tittle at Wrestlemania, the biggest stage and pop he can possible get?!

Why have him win on a B-level pay-per-view where nobody cares? Just plain stupid booking.
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I posted this on this wrestling group on Facebook and want to know your thoughts...

I think i'm sensing a pattern here. If you sign up for the WWE Network you get all the PPVs for $10 a month.....know what that will probably mean? It means that the WWE can actually ruin the quality of PPVs because: for $10 a month you're automatically in and they don't have to worry about the majority of WWE fans not ordering PPVs anymore. If this network weren't to exist, and we'd see garbage for PPVs like this, then ask yourself this: who would actually spend $60+ for a garbage PPV? Virtually noone and WWE would lose money. for $60 PPV, then the WWE would have to put on a good to great PPV. But for $10, they can lower the quality of PPVs, while you have no choice but to watch, because you're automatically in. Kind of like what we're seeing now. Because I swear the last PPV that was decent for me was Summerslam of last year.
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Better be a triple threat.
It can't be anything BUT a triple threat. It can't be Kane vs Bryan & Orton vs Batista. There's no way they can roll with Orton/Batista, cause the crowd will **** on both of them
H is cocky enough to put that out and tell yall to like it.
Orton v Batista will be a match on the card.  IT'S NOT THE FINAL MATCH OF WRESTLEMANIA.  Yes, fans will do their chants, but whatever... it's a match on the card.  Fans will move on.
I understand them trying to book Bryan vs. Triple H, but why the eff would that be a Wrestlemania-quality match?
How much over is Triple H going to make him?
And if the point of going over Triple H is to get him a title match, why not have THAT match tonight and then have him win the tittle at Wrestlemania, the biggest stage and pop he can possible get?!

Why have him win on a B-level pay-per-view where nobody cares? Just plain stupid booking.

Because he's a B+ player.
I posted this on this wrestling group on Facebook and want to know your thoughts...

I think i'm sensing a pattern here. If you sign up for the WWE Network you get all the PPVs for $10 a month.....know what that will probably mean? It means that the WWE can actually ruin the quality of PPVs because: for $10 a month you're automatically in and they don't have to worry about the majority of WWE fans not ordering PPVs anymore. If this network weren't to exist, and we'd see garbage for PPVs like this, then ask yourself this: who would actually spend $60+ for a garbage PPV? Virtually noone and WWE would lose money. for $60 PPV, then the WWE would have to put on a good to great PPV. But for $10, they can lower the quality of PPVs, while you have no choice but to watch, because you're automatically in. Kind of like what we're seeing now. Because I swear the last PPV that was decent for me was Summerslam of last year.

View media item 822039
As we previously reported, at one point in time, WWE was pitching around the idea of Sting becoming “Monday Night Raw” General Manager. However, now that Sting has still not been signed by WWE and uncertainty continues to grow, following WrestleMania XXX, Hulk Hogan may become Raw General Manager, according to F4WOnline.

The website reports that after Hogan finishes his role as host of WrestleMania XXX; Hogan may become an on-screen authority figure for the company. With Sting being a question mark, as previously noted, WWE’s creative writers have contemplated having Hogan become the next Raw General Manager.

Brad Maddox is currently the Raw General Manager and his tenure has been pegged by being The Authority’s puppet. Maddox took the position on the July 8 edition of “Monday Night Raw,” after Vickie Guerrero, then Raw General Manager was terminated.

I'm with you guys though, I doubt it happens...
Since they were "screwing" Bryan regardless it would have been cool to see it done earlier in the match and give Cesaro a little more time to shine in the match.

Plus when/if Bryan vs HHH happens HHH is just gonna hit him with that shovel and make Bryan lose clean.
Mark Madden editorial from a couple weeks back shed a little more insight on the Punk situation

Someone I worked with in WCW put it thusly: “The boys are the marks now.” He currently works for WWE. He’s seeing his words come to life.

Teeth get gnashed indignantly over CM Punk walking out. The Shield cuts anti-Punk promos at house shows. Michael Cole mocks Punk off-air even as fans chant Punk’s name. It’s all cowardly, ungrateful, disrespectful and unseemly.

But Punk gets the last laugh. He made his money. He doesn’t need WWE.

CM Punk isn’t a mark.

WWE will triple its TV money when its deal comes up for renewal. The WWE network may or may not hit big but, either way, lots of PPV bonuses for the boys get pulled off the table. Vince McMahon has not addressed his performers regarding how their pay gets affected by these changes. Punk walked out, in part, because of McMahon’s refusal to discuss it, either with him or the collective.

Yet WWE’s performers work blithely toward WrestleMania. If they want to know what Punk wanted to know, they’re not asking.

That’s because they’re marks. Mickety-marks, like Scott Hall says.

That’s the only explanation for performers in a big-time entertainment industry not asking hard questions when the amount of their paycheck gets threatened.

How could you not ask? How could you not DEMAND? Why would you not look out for your lifestyle? For your family? Why would you trust WWE to do the right thing? Yeah, OK…good luck with that. How often does WWE do the right thing?

The boys are the marks now. Too many have never worked in an environment where viable employment options exist. TNA isn’t. ROH isn’t. The indies aren’t.

They’re grateful to be on TV. To be recognized in airports. To get what they get. If McMahon defecated in their hat, they’d put it back on and say “thanks.”

When a network sitcom is successful and gets renewed – when ad rates go up and revenue thickens – the performers get more money. That’s how it works. The same goes for reality shows, actors in movies – cash trickles down.

If McMahon has any intention of letting any of his additional revenue trickle down – let alone giving his employees their fair share – he certainly isn’t talking about it.

If the boys had any guts, brains and organizing skills, they’d go to McMahon, as a group, on the morning of WrestleMania and say, “Either we get X, or we’re not performing.” McMahon would have to acquiesce. He’d have no choice.

But there will never be a wrestlers’ union. As one wrestler told me, “You could get every wrestler in the world in the same room, get them to agree to force [collective bargaining], and 10 minutes after the meeting ended, each guy would call the promoter behind everyone’s back, selling out to make a better deal for himself.”

It’s the island of misfit toys. Really, the boys have always been the marks.

I’ve been critical of Hulk Hogan. But when it came to money, he was no mark. Nobody better understood his worth or more doggedly pursued his fair share.

Punk gets it. The morons he left behind don’t. They settle for scraps. Punk doesn’t. They undervalue themselves. Punk doesn’t. They’re marks. Punk isn’t.

Here’s a potential punchline: Those in the know think the WWE Network will stiff, at least initially. WWE already provides six hours of free TV. That’s more than enough fake wrestling. Most WWE PPVs are not that compelling. The other programming will be dumb. “Legends’ House?” Who wants to watch that? Wrestling fans are not necessarily high-tech. Cable TV is their preferred vehicle.

Memo to the boys: McMahon isn’t going to lose money. So you will.
Since they were "screwing" Bryan regardless it would have been cool to see it done earlier in the match and give Cesaro a little more time to shine in the match.
Definitely would've liked to see Cesaro shine a little more than the big swing, but having Bryan get screwed early in the match wouldn't illicit the response they are looking for.
Mark Madden editorial from a couple weeks back shed a little more insight on the Punk situation

Someone I worked with in WCW put it thusly: “The boys are the marks now.” He currently works for WWE. He’s seeing his words come to life.

Teeth get gnashed indignantly over CM Punk walking out. The Shield cuts anti-Punk promos at house shows. Michael Cole mocks Punk off-air even as fans chant Punk’s name. It’s all cowardly, ungrateful, disrespectful and unseemly.

But Punk gets the last laugh. He made his money. He doesn’t need WWE.

CM Punk isn’t a mark.

WWE will triple its TV money when its deal comes up for renewal. The WWE network may or may not hit big but, either way, lots of PPV bonuses for the boys get pulled off the table. Vince McMahon has not addressed his performers regarding how their pay gets affected by these changes. Punk walked out, in part, because of McMahon’s refusal to discuss it, either with him or the collective.

Yet WWE’s performers work blithely toward WrestleMania. If they want to know what Punk wanted to know, they’re not asking.

That’s because they’re marks. Mickety-marks, like Scott Hall says.

That’s the only explanation for performers in a big-time entertainment industry not asking hard questions when the amount of their paycheck gets threatened.

How could you not ask? How could you not DEMAND? Why would you not look out for your lifestyle? For your family? Why would you trust WWE to do the right thing? Yeah, OK…good luck with that. How often does WWE do the right thing?

The boys are the marks now. Too many have never worked in an environment where viable employment options exist. TNA isn’t. ROH isn’t. The indies aren’t.

They’re grateful to be on TV. To be recognized in airports. To get what they get. If McMahon defecated in their hat, they’d put it back on and say “thanks.”

When a network sitcom is successful and gets renewed – when ad rates go up and revenue thickens – the performers get more money. That’s how it works. The same goes for reality shows, actors in movies – cash trickles down.

If McMahon has any intention of letting any of his additional revenue trickle down – let alone giving his employees their fair share – he certainly isn’t talking about it.

If the boys had any guts, brains and organizing skills, they’d go to McMahon, as a group, on the morning of WrestleMania and say, “Either we get X, or we’re not performing.” McMahon would have to acquiesce. He’d have no choice.

But there will never be a wrestlers’ union. As one wrestler told me, “You could get every wrestler in the world in the same room, get them to agree to force [collective bargaining], and 10 minutes after the meeting ended, each guy would call the promoter behind everyone’s back, selling out to make a better deal for himself.”

It’s the island of misfit toys. Really, the boys have always been the marks.

I’ve been critical of Hulk Hogan. But when it came to money, he was no mark. Nobody better understood his worth or more doggedly pursued his fair share.

Punk gets it. The morons he left behind don’t. They settle for scraps. Punk doesn’t. They undervalue themselves. Punk doesn’t. They’re marks. Punk isn’t.

Here’s a potential punchline: Those in the know think the WWE Network will stiff, at least initially. WWE already provides six hours of free TV. That’s more than enough fake wrestling. Most WWE PPVs are not that compelling. The other programming will be dumb. “Legends’ House?” Who wants to watch that? Wrestling fans are not necessarily high-tech. Cable TV is their preferred vehicle.

Memo to the boys: McMahon isn’t going to lose money. So you will.

I like this editorial. Everything he said is valid
^ I agree. That was very clear and made a ton of sense. Wrestlers just aren't the brightest guys. Jesse better be demanding bonuses for every job.
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