WWE Meaningless Throwaway Gimmick PPV - Tonight

Originally Posted by Lver of Jordan
Are they really cleaning up Cena? You have to be crapping me. THis is a new low, even for this joke of a promotion.
Cena had Orton up for the FU. As he went for it, Orton turned and hit the RKO as he was coming down. They landed with their arms on each other, and both werecovered.

It's 2-2.

Cole just said there's a 30 minute interval between falls

Doctors came in to look at Cena's head. He's not bleeding that badly.
Dibiase hit Dream Street. Orton made the cover to make it 3-3.

Kofi came in with a chair and chased Legacy away.

38 minutes to go, 3-3.
Orton threw Cena through the LED lights on the entrance set. Made the cover.

Cena 3
Orton 4

~34 mins left
Cena can't even take a chair shot. Every time Orton has to protect him by hitting the ground or ring post.
Watch them pass 6-5 falls to beat Rock/HHH's iron man fall record, and then ALSO go into overtime..
This match is brutal, Cena is good if he is agains someone good in the ring. That person is not Orton.
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