WWE Meaningless Throwaway Gimmick PPV - Tonight

12 mins left. Still 5-4 Orton.

Orton tried to run out the clock. He ran through the crowd. Cena caught him. They fought in the stands. Now back at ringside, Cena is control on the outside.He's doing something with the ringsteps. Maybe setting up to do an FU off the steps through a table.
Here he comes
Cena wins.. and I miss the last 6 min of the match.

Smfh. I'm going to sleep.
Originally Posted by mjmoney23

That match was awful, neither of them should be anywhere near an ironman.

Match was weak, and that fool Cole has the nerve to call it on of the best of all time

Cena is a certified clown
I can't see how fans can respect Cena after that match. Cena is the worst flagship WWE wrestler of all time
sounds like i didnt miss much

ive just been doing hw and just reading this thread while going along
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by mjmoney23

That match was awful, neither of them should be anywhere near an ironman.

Match was weak, and that fool Cole has the nerve to call it on of the best of all time

Cena is a certified clown
Originally Posted by MJGREATXII

why yall hate on cena?

He's bad to average at best in wrestling.

His character is very stale.

The WWE keeps trying to force him on this pedestal to be this ultra star (ala The Rock, Stone Cold, etc) when he just isn't. He doesn't have thecharisma, skills, or talent those guys did, the only people that ever cheer for him are 13 and younger.

In an nutshell: he's a CLOWN
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