WWE Meaningless Throwaway Gimmick PPV - Tonight

Snoop tried to take his damn head off, %*# was hilarious.
Booking 101 by WWE...if there is a big multiple person match at an upcoming PPV, have them brawl on the RAW before the show.

I would have been good with a 20 minute HBK vs. Jericho match.
Smackdown's team is so weak on star power, but I like that they are actually giving new guys a shot in a big match. Of course these guys will be thejobbers for DX.
Originally Posted by iLLcognito

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Are you serious???????????????????????????
You surprised 4w? It's HHH...ain't no way he was gonna let Cena go cleanly over him.

It was either that or Orton was gonna run in...but Orton already had his moment tonight.

And they're really trying to build up the "Cena's last night on RAW" thing but with the way this show was booked tonight...it's CLEARLY obvious at this point Cena will beat Orton and stay on RAW.

1. They (finally) planted the seeds for Ted's turn and a feud vs. Orton. So that's what Orton will do next.
2. Cena's not going to SD with 'Taker as champion and Batista there now. Too many top faces gunnin' for the strap.
3. Cena wouldn't lose on his "last appearance on RAW"...they're hyping this up way too much for it to be true.

Whoever is giving John Morrison these lines need to stop
...son is mad corny.

Cole saying Jannety became a "solid performer along the way"...trying to be nice.

So when Cena wins, does that mean Orton gets his rematch and we get to see this "classic" feud continue once again at Survivor Series?
^The stipulation is if Cena loses, he has to go to SD...but if Orton loses, he can't get his "contract clause" rematch vs. Cena. Essentially,that's their way of telling you the feud is over between these two and both will move on to other programs.
Originally Posted by iLLcognito

^The stipulation is if Cena loses, he has to go to SD...but if Orton loses, he can't get his "contract clause" rematch vs. Cena. Essentially, that's their way of telling you the feud is over between these two and both will move on to other programs.
Ah, I missed the contract clause part. I still don't buy it, because who else does Cena feud with? There are no other heels on Raw. Maybethey put Cena in a traditional Survivor Series match to hide the fact until the next PPV.
Hey guys, I completely missed out tonight, had to study for an exam, haha. I'll catch the replay tomorrow I suppose.
can someone explain to me how big show got on raw? How is he and jericho the tag champs and they're gonna be on opposing sides at the ppv?
Big Show was drafted to Raw the last draft. Jericho needed a new partner cause Edge got injured, he chose the Big Show.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Smackdown's team is so weak on star power, but I like that they are actually giving new guys a shot in a big match. Of course these guys will be the jobbers for DX.

I agreed....but the whole concept is confusing.
Though team Smackdown has potential.
Miz and Morrison are great.
Teddy and Orton was great.
I once again am probably in the minority, but I enjoy the idea of brand vs. brand.

If it were more developed, I'm sure more people would be into it.

Run ins on the shows, etc.

It was also brought up in here, but what about ECW?
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