WWE Night of Champions PPV 7/26 - Punk vs Hardy, Orton vs Cena vs HHH (p31)

Originally Posted by CarpeDiemKJ

The problem with the WWE is the bookers. The talent is there. The WWE hires these Hollywood writers who know nothing about wrestling. It sucks that Stephanie McMahon is in charge too, and will likely take her Father's spot, when Vince retires.

I agree. WWE is a joke nowadays which is why I purposely slept through Raw this past Monday. I figured what's the point? It's the same recycled crapevery single week....a few divas matches, HHH, Cena, and Orton in the title picture..a watered down version of Jerry "The King" Lawler on the micwith an ever so annoying Michael Cole..and illogical decision making such as having Carlito attack Primo a couple of weeks back after they "lost"again.

The old WWF in the 80's and 90's was so much better. I find myself watching old footage from those eras on YouTube and being way more entertained thanwhat WWE offers today...

The bookers do make the matches, but I think the writers of the show are the biggest idiots within that company. None of the storylines are the least bitinteresting and when you do look at old footage from say the Attitude era which was really not that long ago; you realize WWE has lost its swag...

But in all fairness, I have a Raw house show to go to on August 1st...hope it doesn't disappoint me the way the televised version has...

By the way, nice avy.

Yes, it was part of the storyline. Jericho came out the week before and talked trash about Stephanie. The next week, Triple H requested a match againstJericho, and Jericho goaded him into making it a WWF title match. Jericho then revealed that he hired the Acolytes (Bradshaw and Farooq for you youngins) tokeep anyone from interfering. During the match, the ref got knocked out, and Earl Hebner (who in storylines was on thin ice with the McMahon-Helmsley regime),replaced him. HHH shoved Hebner when he realized it was him, and Hebner shoved him back. When he did, Jericho hit a spinning heel kick and then the Lionsault,and Hebner made the fast count, and awarded Jericho the WWF title. HHH then made Hebner reverse the decision, or else he would beat the crap out of him. Hebneragreed, under the condition that HHH never touch him again. HHH agreed, then fired Hebner. This was all when HHH was actually fun to watch, and not so roidedup. I may be wrong on some of this, this is all from memory, LOL, I've seen this match a dozen times. Look it up on Youtube
Thanks bro. And like you, I spend a lot of time on Youtube watching classic wrestling.

Happy Birthday to Shawn Michaels. He turns 44 today.
I nominate John Morrison to revert back to the Johnny Nitro name, hang with his off-screen lady Melena on-screen, and go from there..
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Originally Posted by thacamel

^^^No, I don't believe he has. Going by memory, here are the matches I remember them having one on one:

April 2000- WWF Title Match on Raw. Jericho won, but Triple Skank made Earl Hebner reverse the decision because it was a "fast count"
Fully Loaded 2000- HHH def Y2J Last Man Standing Match
WM 18- HHH def Y2J Undisputed Title Match
Judgment Day 2002- HHH def Y2J Hell In A Cell

I'm sure theres plenty more, those are just the ones I can remember

you remembered that from memory? damn.

damn hhh and his ego. jericho should've won at least one of those damn matches.
Jericho should've won at WMX8
Originally Posted by c0neV3rgE

lol u guys really taking this group gwo thing seriously huh
How so? All we've doing is discussing wrestling, in a wrestling thread.
WWE issued a press release today to announce that Emmy Award-winning actor and Entourage star Jeremy Piven will co-host next Monday's episode of Raw alongside Shaquille O'Neal.
I like.
lol yess Ari Gold is co-hosting?!? I'm definitely tuning in. I guess hes going to promote his new movie.

and carpediem, you didn't like the sig i made you?? lol
I do. I'm on my Sidekick. I'ma change it when I get on my PC.

Oh, and for all of you who have WWE Classics on Demand, they're giving Summerslam 1993. Razor Ramon versus Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, Bret Hart versusDoink, then Jerry Lawler, Shawn Michaels versus Mr. Perfect, and Lex Luger versus Yokozona (The end of the Lex Express).
I beth they would probably make Mark Henry Jericho's partner and use the story line that if he can beat the best he can be with the best or something alongthat line. Or I have a feeling they would make his partner Pretty Ricky.
The WWE needs to go back to the basics and make wrestling fun and entertaining to watch like they did in the 90's. THese characters need more gimmicks andchange of costume. They can have characters whom we can all relate to making it how it was in the 90s very entertaining. Now its every superstar in the sameblack uniform with the same gimmick, we need things to change.
Jeremy Piven will cohost the Aug. 3 edition of Monday's WWE Raw. He will not be co-hosting with Shaquille O'Neal on Monday as previously reported.

This past Monday night's edition of WWE RAW (July 20, 2009) scored a final cable rating of 3.5, which is the same number the show did last week.
The show did hours of 3.43 and 3.62.

Within the last few weeks, WWE have applied to register the following trademarks - WWE Bragging Rights, Slam Master J (for Jesse), Delicious (for R-Truth's alter ego), and Celtic Warrior (for Sheamus).
Marvel Comics owns the trademark for "Annihilation", so that could be a reason why WWE didn't go through with that name for the former Cyber Sunday turned WWE Bragging Rights.
Originally Posted by CarpeDiemKJ

I nominate John Morrison to revert back to the Johnny Nitro name, hang with his off-screen lady Melena on-screen, and go from there..
Past gimmicks are not allowed in the palace of wisdom.
Originally Posted by thacamel


Yes, it was part of the storyline. Jericho came out the week before and talked trash about Stephanie. The next week, Triple H requested a match against Jericho, and Jericho goaded him into making it a WWF title match. Jericho then revealed that he hired the Acolytes (Bradshaw and Farooq for you youngins) to keep anyone from interfering. During the match, the ref got knocked out, and Earl Hebner (who in storylines was on thin ice with the McMahon-Helmsley regime), replaced him. HHH shoved Hebner when he realized it was him, and Hebner shoved him back. When he did, Jericho hit a spinning heel kick and then the Lionsault, and Hebner made the fast count, and awarded Jericho the WWF title. HHH then made Hebner reverse the decision, or else he would beat the crap out of him. Hebner agreed, under the condition that HHH never touch him again. HHH agreed, then fired Hebner. This was all when HHH was actually fun to watch, and not so roided up. I may be wrong on some of this, this is all from memory, LOL, I've seen this match a dozen times. Look it up on Youtube

thanks camel checked it out on youtube
i hope wwe doesnt drop the ballwith jericho's partner...which they probably will
Jericho needs pants again. I was playing no mercy for n64 and him in pants looks normal. He always looks odd now. Plus the haircut, he just looks so differentfrom Y2J
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Jericho needs pants again. I was playing no mercy for n64 and him in pants looks normal. He always looks odd now. Plus the haircut, he just looks so different from Y2J
I like the new look (minus the pudgyness). His trunk and kick pad combo are probably my favorite design right now.

Originally Posted by cucumbercool

Jericho needs pants again. I was playing no mercy for n64 and him in pants looks normal. He always looks odd now. Plus the haircut, he just looks so different from Y2J

He explained why he got rid of the pants and flashy intro to his entrance a while back.

Forgot when that was though...
^^Thats the point. He wanted his new character to be completely different from the Y2J character. He didn't want fans to think of anything similar to theold character, and have no reason to cheer him. New haircut, no pants, promos changed, etc. I am praying that Christian is his partner, but they'll dropthe ball again, like they did with his WM 25 opponent.

And to the guy who said Jericho shoulda beat HHH at WM 18, no way it would or could have happened. Jericho beat Rock in consecutive PPVs, and both the PPVbefore that, and HHH had just returned from quad surgery, where he tore his quad, in a tag match against Jericho of all people. He had to get his revenge, noway it wasn't happening. Speaking of, if you wanna see a really great match, go on Youtube and watch the Jericho/Benoit vs Austin/HHH tag title match fromRaw. I believe the date was 5/21/01 (yeah I watch wrestling too much on Youtube, sue me, LOL)
The only other partner I will accept besides Christian is HBK. Or maybe, maybe Punk or Ziggler
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