WWE Night of Champions PPV 9/15 | Prediction Contest Open! | Orton v Bryan | Punk v AXEL/Heyman

Is that the Heyman's "doctor" that Punk beat up sitting behind Stephanie when she's talking to Goldust?
Steph has a fetish of making men cry. Should've hit her with a modified Shattered Dreams.
[COLOR=#red]That Goldust vs Orton match was pretty damn good.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Ryback blows. Del Rio blows. Ricardo blows..... I wish I could fast forward... :smh:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]:lol: where'd they find that old *** TV??[/COLOR]
Did the boarder patrol confiscate Lawler's bedazzled shirts?  Wearing the basic WWE polo tonight.

Edge looks great.  Great reaction to kick off the show.  They kept saying he was an 11 World Heavyweight Champion.  Actually he was 7 time World Champ and 4 time WWE Champ.


Here we go 
If they continue the Bryan burial tonight, he has to beat Orton at Night of Champions for the belt.

Otherwise he's gonna slowly lose the pop and crowd.
If they continue the Bryan burial tonight, he has to beat Orton at Night of Champions for the belt.

Otherwise he's gonna slowly lose the pop and crowd.

There is no chance Bryan is winning. I don't even see the appeal in this storyline anymore.
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