WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Originally Posted by hellaones

Kristal x Layla >>> ___(insert whoever)___
Spoiler [+]

kristal had them cheeks!!
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Brooke Hogan has been hired by TNA and will be the head of the Knockouts Division (Karen Jarrett's old role).  Ugh.  There were many people at the TV tapings very unhappy about this.
Dixie should kill herself for letting this dude run her company into the ground.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

wwe has no depth in their roster to pull a monday nitro.

wont last long

stop calling it a supershow, sounds dumb

They have it. They just. Suck at using it weekly.They need to merge the rosters. Fresh feuds with a writing staff all focusing on 1 roster. Less bad ideas get through, right?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

x-pac said that tna will be wwe property before this decade is over.

i give it by summer 2014

1) Who cares what X-Pac says?  His opinion is meaningless.
2) If Vince really wanted TNA, I'm sure he would already own it.  It's clear WWE doesn't give a damn about TNA as they constantly reference Hogan, Flair, and others on their TV.

3) You're not gaining any business by buying TNA since they do 8,000 PPV buyrates, 1.0 ratings, and don't sell tickets since all shows in the Impact Zone are free.

4) You're not gaining any stars like when WWF bought WCW.  Any TNA created star has no drawing power nationally (I'm not saying they couldn't be, I'm saying as they are today).  And guys like Angle and Hardy, if WWE wanted them, they would be in WWE already.

I would predict that TNA goes out of business before WWE buys them.  Though I really think with the combination of new writers, going live this summer, and WWE expanding Raw to 3 hours, TNA has a legitimate shot to gain new fans by the fall.  I'm not saying anywhere close to surpassing WWE, but I think they could be drawing a consistent 1.5 rating by the end of this year, putting them almost on pace with Smackdown (1.72 rating this past week).
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

USA probably makes more money off running NCIS reruns then they do live WWE programming.

USA currently pays WWE $700,000 an episode for Raw, but USA also keeps all ad (commercials) revenue.  I don't know what it costs to air a syndicated episode of NCIS, but it's nowhere near $350,000 an episode, plus they get all the ad revenue.  This seems like a very puzzling move by USA.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

USA mixes pleasure 4w with there parent stations. WWE and NBC's partnership (I think at this point we can call it that) has been for the most part iron clad. the moving of NCIS is something that would be easy to do. I think the WWE's influence does play into it which makes this move questionable 4w. My reference was just more of a joke if any.

i think If they really wanted to make waves, move Raw to the Universal Network. I think it will be interesting to see how NBC Universal handles certain things in the future. there are strong rumors where I work (NBC Universal) that they will make a bid for the NBA again. both NBA TV and ABC'/Disney's contract is up in the next few years (2015/2016). NHL ratings have been through the roof.

It is also interesting that they are making a three hour jump with the Summer Olympics coming. USA will be used for coverage. so will raw be moved to a tuesday if something is schedule for that night????? Should be an interesting move for all involved.

I have no #'s, but I have to assume that NBC Universal is in far fewer homes than USA.  Probably not a good business move for WWE at the moment.  If they were to move, which I don't see happening, I would think moving to NBC Sports (Versus) would make more sense.  But like I said, I think their contract is locked in with USA, so they aren't moving.
I also think WWE has it in their contract that USA won't preempt them, so they should be fine during the Olympics.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

wwe has no depth in their roster to pull a monday nitro.

wont last long

stop calling it a supershow, sounds dumb

They have it. They just. Suck at using it weekly.They need to merge the rosters. Fresh feuds with a writing staff all focusing on 1 roster. Less bad ideas get through, right?
The Nitro comparison is a good one, and I'm not even sure if you made it for the reason I'm going to talk about.  Like you said, WCW's roster was much deeper in 1998 when they moved to three hours.  Plus, WCW had a MUCH hotter product at the time.  The first 3 hour Nitro (Jan 26, 1998) did a 4.7 rating.  They consistently did anywhere from low 4's to high 5's for much of 1998, with the peak reaching a 6.0 for one show in August.  However, number were slightly declining by the winter of 1998, and once they reached 1999, the numbers really started to drop.  By spring of 1999, they were averaging in the mid to high 3's.  The final 3 hour Nitro on Dec 27, 1999 did a 2.9 rating.
This was a mix of burning out the audience (they still had Thunder, WCW Saturday Night, and PPVs), as well the quality of the product greatly declining.  However, the point is when they originally made the move to 3 hours, WCW and pro wrestling in general, were WAY hotter than WWE is right now.

At the stockholders meeting last month, Vince guaranteed that WWE would be in better shape financially next year than they are now.  That will most likely be the case as they are going to see a large increase in revenue from the TV rights fees from USA for the extra hour of Raw.  If we assume USA is paying the same $350,000 an hour as they do now, that's an extra $18 million revenue for WWE.

However, to me it seems like a short-term cash grab rather than long term planning.  It's not just speculation that a three hour weekly show in addition to multiple other hours of television each week burn out your audience, even when the product is red hot.  I think most would agree right now that it is a struggle to sit through two hours of Raw right now, no less three.  WWE may ride this extra cash for a year, but in summer of 2013 if they are drawing a 2.2 rating compared to the 3.0 they are now, there is no way USA is keeping Raw at 3 hours.  Worse yet, if Raw is drawing a 2.2, there is a very strong possibility that USA will dump WWE when their contract is up in 2014.  Other television stations are going to treat WWE like the plague at that point for a show that is extremely expensive to produce for a product that is not very hot.  I'm no way saying WWE is going to go out of business in a few years, but I think moving Raw to three hours is a very short sighted decision to try and appease shareholders.

The last point on the current WWE roster... Yes, WWE has a lot of "guys" on the roster, but no one is tuning in to see Michael McGuillicutty or Tyler Rex wrestle.  Hell, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan lose viewers every time they're on TV.  The roster is not strong enough to carry 6-10 hours of TV every week, and I don't give WWE's creative staff any benefit of the doubt that they will turn things around to create new stars.
Here are the ratings patterns from this past week's Raw.  Fans were interested in three segments and tuned out in droves for everything else.  Whatever filler WWE uses from 8pm to 9pm is not going to attract the casual audience.
Raw on 5/14 did a 2.95 rating and 4.22 million viewers in a show that was carried by three segments and only delivered numbers in those three segments. Raw was the third highest rated show on cable, trailing the Lakers vs. 76ers (3.02 rating) and the Lakers vs. Thunder (4.99 rating) on TNT.

The show did a 1.9 in male teenagers, which may be an all-time low in that demo and down a whopping 24% from last week. It did a 2.5 in Males 18-49 (down 4%), a 0.9 in Girl teenagers (up 29%) and a 1.1 in Women 18-49 (Down 8%). The male skew was 67.5%

In the segment-by-segment:

  • They opened good (3.32) for the HHH/Paul Heyman interview.
  • C.M. Punk & Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes & Daniel Bryan as well as Beth Phoenix vs. Alicia Fox lost 601,000 viewers.
  • The John Cena Make a Wish segment lost 370,000 viewers and did the lowest rated quarter in months at 2.64.
  • Big Show vs. Kane and the John Laurinaitis firing Show segment gained 1,033,000 viewers to a 3.37. This was one of the best 10 p.m. segment gains of the year.
  • Brodus Clay & R-Truth & Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger & The Miz lost 996,000 viewers. So we had one of the best segments of the year as far as gaining viewers followed by the worst.  The casual audience that tuned in, tuned right back out.
  • Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho with Sheamus gained 108,000 viewers.
  • And the Cena/Laurinaitis closing segment gained 990,000 viewers to a 3.43 overrun. That was among the best overrun gains of the year as well, although the 10 p.m. segment was more impressive since the overrun should always gain significantly.

As far as where the growth came from, in the Show/Laurinaitis segment Male teens went 2.0 to 2.6, Girl teens from 0.8 to 1.0, Males 18-49 from 2.2 to 2.9 and Women 18-49 from 1.0 to 1.3. In the Cena/Laurinaitis segment, Male teens went from 1.3 to 2.1, Girls teens from 0.7 to 0.9, Men 18-49 from 2.5 to 3.3 and Women 18-49 from 1.1 to 1.3
I predict I'll be falling a sleep quicker during RAW now. The TNA move is sort of interesting too me...I understand they tried going live in 2010 and flopped but alas I was on hiatus for Prowrestling at that time.
Originally Posted by ESyDC

I predict I'll be falling a sleep quicker during RAW now. The TNA move is sort of interesting too me...I understand they tried going live in 2010 and flopped but alas I was on hiatus for Prowrestling at that time.

It was that they moved head to head against Raw that killed them, not the going live part.  And the show was only live every other week at the time.
What the hell is TNA doing? 

Brooke Hogan?

Hogan gonna put another wrestling company out of business.

Not a fan of the 3hr Raw being permanent.
See, at first I thought that too 4w about NBC Sports Network. But the NHL has Monday nights during the regular season. So if they keep that contract in tact, Raw would have to start around 10 lets say depending on the game and finish. That's why I proposed Universal Network as an option. But I do see your point about USA compared to that other entity.

Also, I think as I mentioned, they want to make a move for the NBA and yes, that is a few years away but they have started to send feelers out to see if they could obtain that bid. I have a feeling the NBA will not pickup NBA TV once that contract is up from Turner. As much as the diehard may watch some of their coverage, you can get the same from a ESPN or NBC Sports. so they lose the option of airing a few regular season games on their network. I think NBC Uni would want the Wednesday/Friday lineup and an alternating Sunday game between the NHL and NBA (are some days airing both leagues)

I know the pipe dream is to have the NBA on NBC triple header on Sundays but I think they will do it on occasion if they make that bid. The WWE is part of the assets to NBC Uni. and I do agree with it being on USA. I just think WWE should try more of their Network ideas with either the Universal Network or even NBC Sports Network. Then maybe they can see what they would have with their own Network.

I would think Raw would stay on USA but Smackdown would definitely be onto the WWE Network off the Syfy channel (Which NBC would probably not mind seeing that the WWE has NOTHING to do with that channel's demographic.)
whoever said nitro had a deep roster wasnt lying. if only they had people with brains writing the shows lol they could have made 3 hours entertaining.

if tna goes live on thursdays it would help rating but the product is just going to make people tune out after
I'm not sure if this has been discussed here (I am guessing it has), but do you think the current John Cena Make-A-Wish Foundation segments are put in place to quell a possible outrage due to any potential airing of his dirty laundry due to the divorce? Like it's a de facto Stand Up For WWE campaign similar to the one put in place during Linda's Senate run?
Hopefully Raw can be more like Nitro...

So for the past 2-3 weeks I've been watching Albert/A-Train matches here and there, trying to figure out

if he actually sucked or was it just he had crappy gimmicks, or no gimmicks. Seems like it was the later.

A couple of hidden gems here, even if some of the matches are relatively short.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I'm not sure if this has been discussed here (I am guessing it has), but do you think the current John Cena Make-A-Wish Foundation segments are put in place to quell a possible outrage due to any potential airing of his dirty laundry due to the divorce? Like it's a de facto Stand Up For WWE campaign similar to the one put in place during Linda's Senate run?

Nah, they've been airing those segments about him for the last few years.

Cena has been one of, if not the most requested persons for Make-A-Wish kids for years now.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I'm not sure if this has been discussed here (I am guessing it has), but do you think the current John Cena Make-A-Wish Foundation segments are put in place to quell a possible outrage due to any potential airing of his dirty laundry due to the divorce? Like it's a de facto Stand Up For WWE campaign similar to the one put in place during Linda's Senate run?

Nah, they've been airing those segments about him for the last few years.

Cena has been one of, if not the most requested persons for Make-A-Wish kids for years now.

But I mean to the extent that they are now?  I wonder if the WWE has been given a heads up about some of the nasty %$** that will be coming out about Cena.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I'm not sure if this has been discussed here (I am guessing it has), but do you think the current John Cena Make-A-Wish Foundation segments are put in place to quell a possible outrage due to any potential airing of his dirty laundry due to the divorce? Like it's a de facto Stand Up For WWE campaign similar to the one put in place during Linda's Senate run?

Nah, they've been airing those segments about him for the last few years.

Cena has been one of, if not the most requested persons for Make-A-Wish kids for years now.
They've aired Make a Wish clips before, but never like Monday night.  It was a direct response to the divorce news.  It's also why Cena was so happy/goofy in the final segment.  WWE is determined to keep Cena in a positive light as they prepare for what has been reported will be an ugly divorce.
USA director of programming: 'So RAW will now be three hours. Quick, we need more USA Original Programming that no one ever watches to advertise!'
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Hopefully Raw can be more like Nitro...
I just kept that pretty ambiguous
Man Lord Albert got none of his extra stuff on Superstars. No helmet, no robe, no red elbow pads, not even the mist to do his finisher.
He just

massaged Tyson Kidd's head, and Kidd sold it like paralysis. It's like they told him at the last minute "Hey, you have a match on Superstars, with Tyson Kidd...

RIGHT NOW." I'm seriously in tears.
Just to be clear, WWE wants the 'Universe' forget/not realize Teddy Long was a ref years back, right?
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