WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

With the failures of Tensai, does anyone think that they could possibly bring in Matt Morgan to interfere tonight? It's clear the plan is for Big Show to interfere, but we all know how Vince always tries to swerve us for the hell of it, whether it makes sense or not. 
Matt Morgan though.

You might as well say Samoa Joe might interfere also
Morgan's contract is up with TNA, that's why i brought that up. It's only a matter of time until he is back. 
Dang it I messed up my prediction sheet! I hope bryan wins tonight, and its a given that big johnny is gonna win also. Anyone agree?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I've been really slacking with the WWE; nothing excites me but I will try and find a stream tonight...survey done
damn it's already been a year since Macho Man passed 

Find a what?

Just dont spell it backwards
Originally Posted by jsbrown3

Dang it I messed up my prediction sheet! I hope bryan wins tonight, and its a given that big johnny is gonna win also. Anyone agree?

nobody agrees.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I've been really slacking with the WWE; nothing excites me but I will try and find a stream tonight...survey done
damn it's already been a year since Macho Man passed 

Find a what?

Just dont spell it backwards
y'all lost me

Don't let the slutty secretary glasses fool you.

Eve still  got that Gaston from Beauty and the Beast chin. 

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by YardFather

Tensai or Cesaro wins the US Title tonight or Ryback wins the IC Title.

Wouldn't be mad at those. Part of me thinks it'll be Otunga though.
Can't believe it's been a year since Savage passed.  Seems like yesterday.
Last call to enter the PPV Prediction Contest.

No preview for OTL.  Went a little too hard on Sunday Funday and just woke up.



Prediction: John Laurinaitis after Big Show interferes to help him win.


Prediction: CM Punk


Prediction: Randy Orton


Prediction: Layla


Prediction: Ziggler/Swagger
4w, does the preshow still count as having a match at over the limit
because if thats the case then even Yoshi Tatsu got on the match card. 
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

4w, does the preshow still count as having a match at over the limit
because if thats the case then even Yoshi Tatsu got on the match card. 

Televised PPV card.  Figure it out.
Are they really starting this battle royal with under 5 minutes until the PPV starts?????

Edit: I guess they're doing the intros here on the pre-show and the battle royal will start the show.  This is how Christian made his return 
Kane beat Zack Ryder clean on the pre show.  So Ryder NEVER got his revenge on Kane.  Ooooooooooooh Lobo 
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