WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

If Christian can't beat Cody Rhodes after Rhodes has lost about 100 straight matches, he might as well just stay sidelined on the injured list.

Why is Miz wrestling twice? I assume to get crushed by Ryback to put Miz out to do THE MARINE.
Damn I am bombing the prediction contest 

Miz has been cutting the same promo for the past year.
Oh God.  They're making Miz dance?  He might as well go back to hosting Smackdown.  This is awful.
peep. Total disrespect for the excellent WWE commentators.

Last year's main event champion really doing the Thriller dance in the ring right now.

Welp, i bombed the survey. Goodnight.

i need a nap before i go back to work in 3 hours.
Out b4 little jimmys getting jiggy w/ brodus in post match celebration. 
- PWInsider reports that Chris Jericho is indeed finishing up with WWE as soon as this week so he can go on tour with his band Fozzy. They report that Jericho has stayed for longer than originally planned and this week could be it for him.

forgettable run for y2j this year.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- PWInsider reports that Chris Jericho is indeed finishing up with WWE as soon as this week so he can go on tour with his band Fozzy. They report that Jericho has stayed for longer than originally planned and this week could be it for him.

forgettable run for y2j this year.

I'd go further than saying forgettable.  It was a complete flop in my opinion after the build for his return.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Why is Miz wrestling twice? I assume to get crushed by Ryback to put Miz out to do THE MARINE.

This never ending joke gets less reaction than a GHIMS Heath Slater promo.
Spoiler [+]
My bad, Peep Game promos got me confused on the difference between the two.
The crowd is completely DEAD for this match.  This gimmick is officially played out.  Ugh, and now the kids in the ring.  Just make it stop.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Why is Miz wrestling twice? I assume to get crushed by Ryback to put Miz out to do THE MARINE.

This never ending joke gets less reaction than a GHIMS Heath Slater promo.
Spoiler [+]
My bad, Peep Game promos got me confused on the difference between the two.

i'm sorry but have u ever main evented?
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