WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Breaking news:
Brodus Clay is a mere 4 wins away from breaking Goldberg's 1998 undefeated streak.....somewhere Psycho Sid is smiling
People don't care about Cody Rhodes. Shocking what happens when you lose every match for three straight months.

This crowd actually started out hot and has died throughout the show. I honestly can't blame them. Outside of the Fatal Fourway, this has been a completely forgettable show.

Also... they have added THREE matches to this card. One, maybe two... fine. We did not need to stupid Clay/Miz match. Why couldn't they have just allocated extra time to Punk and Bryan? If they go less than 20 minutes, I'm going to be so heated.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Christian is a face again.. ugh..

You'd think guy would at least add something to his gimmick.
He's reverted back to the  exact same character he was circa WM27. 
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Why is Miz wrestling twice? I assume to get crushed by Ryback to put Miz out to do THE MARINE.

This never ending joke gets less reaction than a GHIMS Heath Slater promo.
Spoiler [+]
My bad, Peep Game promos got me confused on the difference between the two.

i'm sorry but have u ever main evented?

ask your girl.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

People don't care about Cody Rhodes. Shocking what happens when you lose every match for three straight months.

This crowd actually started out hot and has died throughout the show. I honestly can't blame them. Outside of the Fatal Fourway, this has been a completely forgettable show.

Also... they have added THREE matches to this card. One, maybe two... fine. We did not need to stupid Clay/Miz match. Why couldn't they have just allocated extra time to Punk and Bryan? If they go less than 20 minutes, I'm going to be so heated.

filler matches at a ppv
.......and they wonder why ppl dont pay $50 a month. its 1 of the reasons

TNA won this month
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

This never ending joke gets less reaction than a GHIMS Heath Slater promo.
Spoiler [+]
My bad, Peep Game promos got me confused on the difference between the two.

i'm sorry but have u ever main evented?

ask your girl.

i will.

shes not my girl though
For foreign countries watching the PPV, they grouped Canada in with Romania and Australia? 

I'm sorry, I can't get into this match.  It's fine but just meaningless.  Christian is so much better as a heel.

And Cody loses again.  I'm not surprised in the least, but I just don't get it.  Who the hell did he piss off backstage?  I think Cody has a ton of upside, but after this run in 2012, he's never going to get over as anything big.

Plus, we just had this same exact deal three weeks ago with Layla returning from injury to win a title.  We expect these writers to put together original ideas when they have to add another hour of live programming in a few months?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

For foreign countries watching the PPV, they grouped Canada in with Romania and Australia? 

I'm sorry, I can't get into this match.  It's fine but just meaningless.  Christian is so much better as a heel.

And Cody loses again.  I'm not surprised in the least, but I just don't get it.  Who the hell did he piss off backstage?  I think Cody has a ton of upside, but after this run in 2012, he's never going to get over as anything big.

Plus, we just had this same exact deal three weeks ago with Layla returning from injury to win a title.  We expect these writers to put together original ideas when they have to add another hour of live programming in a few months?

cody probably getting punished due to his brother being mad at the wwe then getting released. hopefully cody winds up on SD and gets pushed.
"So for those not familiar, that woman there is AJ."
So non-WWE fans just randomly spend $55 for a PPV?

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Having those kids gyrate is Over The Limit.

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Why is Miz wrestling twice? I assume to get crushed by Ryback to put Miz out to do THE MARINE.

This never ending joke gets less reaction than a GHIMS Heath Slater promo.
Spoiler [+]

My bad, Peep Game promos got me confused on the difference between the two.

 @ Christian being a face again. So instead of a possibly having the chance to be a main-eventing heel, he'll be

slumming it up in the midcard...oooooook
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

For foreign countries watching the PPV, they grouped Canada in with Romania and Australia? 

I'm sorry, I can't get into this match.  It's fine but just meaningless.  Christian is so much better as a heel.

And Cody loses again.  I'm not surprised in the least, but I just don't get it.  Who the hell did he piss off backstage?  I think Cody has a ton of upside, but after this run in 2012, he's never going to get over as anything big.

Plus, we just had this same exact deal three weeks ago with Layla returning from injury to win a title.  We expect these writers to put together original ideas when they have to add another hour of live programming in a few months?

cody probably getting punished due to his brother being mad at the wwe then getting released. hopefully cody winds up on SD and gets pushed.
Cody already is on SD.  C'mon, who can't keep track of the Raw and SD rosters?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

For foreign countries watching the PPV, they grouped Canada in with Romania and Australia? 

I'm sorry, I can't get into this match.  It's fine but just meaningless.  Christian is so much better as a heel.

And Cody loses again.  I'm not surprised in the least, but I just don't get it.  Who the hell did he piss off backstage?  I think Cody has a ton of upside, but after this run in 2012, he's never going to get over as anything big.

Plus, we just had this same exact deal three weeks ago with Layla returning from injury to win a title.  We expect these writers to put together original ideas when they have to add another hour of live programming in a few months?

cody probably getting punished due to his brother being mad at the wwe then getting released. hopefully cody winds up on SD and gets pushed.
Cody already is on SD.  C'mon, who can't keep track of the Raw and SD rosters?
Do I detect sarcasm?
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