WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

OMG they're still doing the lowrider bike entrance?
Originally Posted by hymen man

PS: I don't think I got a question right on the survey. lol @ 9 matches.

not even at wrestlemania do they have that many
This was the first time Ryback didn't get a huge reaction.  It's not surprising with Clay, but I thought fans would stay behind Ryback a little longer with the big monster push.  He's certainly way more impressive than Clay.  Still, I guess it shows that you need to have some type of character development to get guys over.
Got damn I missed the Bryan vs Punk match, I'll have to catch a replay.

Got to get up for work at 3. Definitely not sticking around for this match.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

This was the first time Ryback didn't get a huge reaction.  It's not surprising with Clay, but I thought fans would stay behind Ryback a little longer with the big monster push.  He's certainly way more impressive than Clay.  Still, I guess it shows that you need to have some type of character development to get guys over.
You sure that's not cause this is live instead of piped in noise
? I'm surprised they haven't done the full rip off and piped in "Ryyyyyy....back, Ryyyyyy....back" chants
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