WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

I've seen some terrible matches but this one.....
And the fake laughing from Cole and Lawler is insufferable 
johnny burying half the locker room that taps in 5 seconds to that stupid move. nice move WWE.
So Cena's finisher... that's he's made just about every guy on the WWE roster tap out clean in far less time than 10 seconds isn't enough to beat a 50 year old non wrestler.  TWICE.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I've seen some terrible matches but this one.....
And the fake laughing from Cole and Lawler is insufferable 

theres a difference between a terrible match and complete nonsensical bad television.
i'd rather watch a PPV featuring a 3 hr iron man match between Paul Bearer and Nicole Bass than to ever watch this again.
sad part about it is, Vince will probably blame the bad reaction to this match on Laurenitis for not "heeling" it up enough on the RAWs and SDs.
Not watching, but why are people mad about Christian being face again? Dude was TERRIBLE as a heel.
I honestly don't understand how someone sees John Cena, and says "I want to be a fan of this man". Regardless of how old they are.

You can make whatever comparisons you want between Hogan and Cena, but Hogan was always a serious character during his 80's run.

Wait, NOW THEY'RE SELLING CENA HAS AN INJURED ARM????? LOL this is so %*%%@%% bad.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I honestly don't understand how someone sees John Cena, and says "I want to be a fan of this man". Regardless of how old they are.

You can make whatever comparisons you want between Hogan and Cena, but Hogan was always a serious character during his 80's run.

Wait, NOW THEY'RE SELLING CENA HAS AN INJURED ARM????? LOL this is so %*%%@%% bad.

u mean hogans 80-90s run and into his match vs the rock. dont compare cena to hogan, ever.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

imagine of OTL actually ended like this with laurenitis just limping aimlessly through the crowd.

It would be better than this.
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