WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Originally Posted by StillIn729

what are you two talking about?

I got suspended for asking for a stream in extreme rules thread. I spelled it backwards
I never asked for a stream
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Layla is SO slow and sloppy in the ring 

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but she looks good and has an accent... so who cares? since when has you or anyone taken the divas seriously?... seriously.[/color]
Sin Cara retuned at a house show last night. I don't expect him on tonight's show.

Punk is supposed to do a Savage tribute on tonight's show.
So they don't want Kharma to bear Phoenix for the title, but Layla can beat her cleanly?

How does that make Phoenix vs. Kharma any much of a draw now.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

So they don't want Kharma to bear Phoenix for the title, but Layla can beat her cleanly?

How does that make Phoenix vs. Kharma any much of a draw now.
Triple threat match where they build all three of them up to look credible and have a nice blowoff at Summerslam
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

So they don't want Kharma to bear Phoenix for the title, but Layla can beat her cleanly?

How does that make Phoenix vs. Kharma any much of a draw now.
Triple threat match where they build all three of them up to look credible and have a nice blowoff at Summerslam
bra and panties match
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

So they don't want Kharma to bear Phoenix for the title, but Layla can beat her cleanly?

How does that make Phoenix vs. Kharma any much of a draw now.
Triple threat match where they build all three of them up to look credible and have a nice blowoff at Summerslam
That'd be nice. But you know WWE isn't smart enough for that.
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