WWE RAW is Booked by Nine-Year Olds 8.10.2009

The only way that the WWE can develop new talent is to re emphasize the intercontinental and the U.S Title. That wouls allow mid-card wrestlers to get overwith the fans allowing them to get that push to shoot into the main event spot light. But by taking away form those titles and just focusing on their alreadyestablished main event stars they will never be able to develop new talent as they will constanlty be squashed. It all starts with those other titles. Theyneed to just take the time out slow down and establish meaningful feuds that lead to something as opposed to these random matches with no meaning behind them.
Vince is funny. Tell your daughter to stop booking her husband to be Superman as a talent killer.
that's not what he said!?
i think the E focuses on like 1 or 2 feuds max each in RAW and SD they focus on the main event feud and they LIGHTLYfocus on a mid card feud. for SD its a feud of punk/hardy/morrison and then ziggler/mysterio which is solid but RAW has cena/orton DX/legacy (don't knowhow long that will last) and teases a swagger/mvp only recently as they have been redoing a bourne/swagger match for 3 straight weeks with no meaningfulstoryline. and i have NO IDEA who kofi is feuding with for his US title...i'm hopiung its miz since hes back
but it only seems like its just recentlyRAW has been KIND of focusing on feuds only cause i bet vince has been in their face. atleast EVERY week SD continues their feuds. and THATS WHY SD reignssupreme over RAW
Recent interview with 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash:
On a recent talk he had with Shawn Michaels & Triple H: "We were kind of going through the rosters and saying who are the guys who are going to replace us. Which guys are going to replace us when we retire? And everybody through names around and there weren't a whole lot of names of guys who we thought were going to replace us. You look at a guy like Edge, and now he's starting to realize - and, gosh, I don't even know how old he is but he I think he's in his 30's. And he's getting to the point where he's had a ton of injuries. John Cena has had a ton of injuries. With these guys, it's almost [a question of] who can last."

On why wrestlers don't take time off for injuries: "I think it was Matt Hardy who not too long ago got like a little injury. And then got another little injury. And he was starting to get a push so he said, 'Ah, I'm not going to take the time off.' And then that injury ends up escalating to something where he has to, because he has to get it fixed. It's hard. I sat one day and I was flipping channels and I saw Cena. I had read that he had injured his neck and I see John in there… I look, and here's this earthworm of a scar on his neck - knowing that he shouldn't be in the ring already. And it's not that Vince said, 'You need to get here and get in the ring, John.' It's just the fact that John realizes that that spot's golden. And he doesn't want to lose that spot. And as soon as he feels that he can somewhat fill that void."

On his negotiations with WWE last year: "My whole thing was that I came into prominence with Shawn. And I know that Shawn is thinking about - I don't think he's going to be doing it that much longer. And I kind of wanted to have that circle of life. I wanted it on my wall of shame in my house to have that 1993 picture of Shawn Michaels doing a double-bicep pose with the black headed Diesel behind him and then I wanted a 2010 photo of Shawn Michaels doing the double-bicep pose with the gray-haired Diesel behind him."

On Scott Hall's problems: "I don't feel guilty, but I don't think sad even begins to cover it. Because, to me, Scott Hall is probably one of the most talented guys I've ever been around in my life. One of the most charismatic. It crushes me. I've tried. Everybody's tried. But as much as you want somebody to live a sober life, unless they want to, it's just not going to happen. And I've been around it. Scott's been a close friend of mine. I've seen the demon of addiction and, God, it's just horrible. And people say, 'Well if you want, you can get clean.' I'm of the mindset, being around it as much as I have on so many different levels with so many different guys, that it's a disease. It is absolutely a disease and it has to be treated as a disease. And, you know, some people don't make it from a disease."

On whether he would want to book TNA: 'I have a 13-year-old son who needs a father way more than TNA needs a booker… I don't do anything half-assed. If you put me in there, it means I'm thinking about it 24/7. You have to, because when you're lying there in the sun, you get an idea and it's like, 'God, that's way better than I thought.' And you've got to get up and you've got to write it down. And you've got to change in and so on. I'm really good friends with [Vince] Russo. And I see what he has to go through and the situation that happened where kind of right before the pay per view, some political things go down, and he's left with a show with a bunch of gaps in it and he's got to do his best to fill it. And those are the things that take years off your life. And at this point, right now, like what we talked about earlier - I'm closer to dying. So, I don't need the stress and they can't put enough zeros at the end of my paycheck."

On critics of TNA's booking: "…For years Stallone and Shwarzenegger - they said what horrible actors they are. But you know then they do $240 million at the box office. So, I believe there's something to critics. But, you know what, I believe that the 10-16-year-old kid, who's really the meat and potatoes of your demographic, and then from there the 18-35 year-old demographic - I've never had a 9-year-old kid come up to me and say, 'I think you need to pick up your workrate.' "

On the challenges of booking TNA: "I've said this 100,000 times. I would write a show and I'd go to bed and I would say, 'That's show is going to be brilliant.' And then three guys miss two spots and the execution… All of a sudden it's like this domino effect. This guy screws up a finish in match one. This guy does something in match two. And all of a sudden everybody's saying, 'Your show is horrible.' Well, yeah, but if they would have executed those three things, it would have been a lot better. But I take the rap because I made the soup."

On wrestlers bringing their wives around the business: "I remember I was on the road with Rick Rude… And he looked over at me and he said, 'Nash, whatever you do, don't bring your old lady around the business. Not backstage. Not anywhere.'... I don't think there's on of us in which there's not a Jeckyll and Hyde. You're different when you're in your character… There's so many times that you see a pretty girl walking backstage and the guys will walk by and you'll see them go, 'God, who's that? And who's that? And who's that?' And you find out, eight minutes later, it's some guy's wife…The boys are the boys. They see a pretty girl and it does cause controversy. There's no doubt about it. The girls that we have, like the Christy Hemmes, and the Beautiful People, and Tracy - I look at those girls as sisters. They're part of the team. But it's always that fresh piece of meat that comes in. That's the one that causes [problems]. It's almost like putting chum in the shark tank. That's the one that the boys all start sniffing around - especially the single guys. And you can't blame them."
Originally Posted by 22stylez

at this useless squash match between kozlov and kevin brooks and the chants of "you can't wrestle"
anyone have any idea if any of these squash wrestlers ever makin it big?

Zeke is a BEAST!!! put a fitted on him and we got Mr. Marcus
but i hope he gets a solid push

Jeff Hardy used to job and DJ Gabriel got signed after he was squashed by Umaga I think.

Christian vs Regal should result in some great matches.

Hurricane is back
TNA to drop a "bomb shell":
There is an online banner ad promoting tomorrow night's episode of iMPACT! reading: "4-Way Knockout Brawl.. And TNA Drops Another Bombshell That Will Knock You Out."
Lashley to take it easy in TNA:
Bobby Lashley isn't expected to be doing any hard matches until October. He is trying to avoid any injuries as he is training for an upcoming fight with the same company that helped promote "Ultimate Chaos" back in late June when Lashley fought Bob Sapp. The company is running an event in Denver on October 3rd and there is talks of having Lashley take on former pro wrestler Ron 'H2O' Waterman. Believe it or not, there was a plan in place for Lashley to face Tank Abbott in Denver but that is now off since Tank is fighting that night in Birmingham. Lashley is expected to start having more matches in TNA after this fight.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The only way that the WWE can develop new talent is to re emphasize the intercontinental and the U.S Title. That wouls allow mid-card wrestlers to get over with the fans allowing them to get that push to shoot into the main event spot light. But by taking away form those titles and just focusing on their already established main event stars they will never be able to develop new talent as they will constanlty be squashed. It all starts with those other titles. They need to just take the time out slow down and establish meaningful feuds that lead to something as opposed to these random matches with no meaning behind them.
QFT but as long as HHH is there everyone will be squashed with no hesitation. he is the Cancer that is killing the WWE. hopefully him andStephanie get a divorce and hes a mid carder the rest of his career. i can dream can't I.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The only way that the WWE can develop new talent is to re emphasize the intercontinental and the U.S Title. That wouls allow mid-card wrestlers to get over with the fans allowing them to get that push to shoot into the main event spot light. But by taking away form those titles and just focusing on their already established main event stars they will never be able to develop new talent as they will constanlty be squashed. It all starts with those other titles. They need to just take the time out slow down and establish meaningful feuds that lead to something as opposed to these random matches with no meaning behind them.

I really feel like they need to reemphasize the IC and US Titles... like someone else said in this thread, if the WWE could get the IC and US titles to be likethe X Division title on TNA, it would be ideal... most times, I tend to not even care who the title holder is because they make them seem unimportant...anybody who has horrible mic skills, should NOT have a title unless either their gimmick or wrestling skills are just that strong (i.e. Santino as the IC champis GOLD, Bourne/Morrison/Shelton can be good title holders just because of their matches)

I understand that not everyone can be a star but I'm so tired of seeing Cena/HHH/Orton/Batista matches... there's too much good, young talent out therefor other guys to not get pushes... it's one thing if they're just not ready for the spotlight... but if they have a good fan base, good wrestlingskills and decent mic skills why hold them back? If anything it's just making less money for the E... who's going to pay for PPVs if they see the samematches on every single PPV...

Bring back gimmick matches... I think HIAC, Ladder matches, TLCs, even Punjabi Prison
matches are dope because they add a different type of element...they allow for a clean finish and a definitive winner... nobody's trying to see a match where they fight for 10 minutes and then someone comes down andinterrupts, we get a DQ and the title doesn't change hands... that's useless and it's poor writing... what that tells me is that the creative teamisn't intelligent enough to come up with a good ending...

Last but definitely most important is SLOWING DOWN THE @$%!@*# FEUDS... slow down but don't stop... how is there a three-week feud, a PPV and then the nextMonday, they don't even address each other... what part of the game is that? I'm not saying we need to have year-long feuds (I doubt WWE creativewould be able to keep a feud fresh for that long anyway) but a feud like HBK-Jericho from last year was PERFECT... it didn't drag on but it still got thenecessary time to make it work... granted that's because they're both geniuses on the mic but the fact remains...

Bottom line is the E needs to put out a better quality product... and can MVP get a legit title shot already?!?!?!!!
I agree with you. I remeber back in the day each wrestler had a catch phrase that you would right off the bat know that was so and so. It would stick in yourhead and you would always remeber that. Now there is none of that, It may have been cheesey to osme but it was what made each wreslter who they were. I mean itwouldn't hurt if they brought that back becasue thos ecatch phrases are what win the wrestlers over with the fan and allow the fans to relate with thecharacter. They also need to bring back certain things which make each character unique becasue now it looks as if each superstar should be labaled wrestler #1 and so on. This is due to the fact that there are no gimmicks that establish who each character is I mean back in the day you had HBK the sexy boy and he hadthe gimmick that mad ehim him with the pants, the shades and the titantron the undertaker with the urn, the theme song and the graveyard skits and then mankindwith the boiler room. The WWE needs to bring those things back becasue thats what made us want to watch and also pick who we liked and didnt like. IT justseems like now they are forcefeeding us characters becasue they do not let anyone get any shine. I just feel that the WWE needs to go back to basics bystudying some old footage and bring that back into the future so that they can become entertaining again.
Things the WWE need to do:
- Bring back Time Limits, time limits give a certain importance to a match and a sense of urgency.
- Get rid of the "Rematch Clause", I remember when Bret used to lose the title, he wouldn't get another title match for months.
Without the rematch clause the 'E is able to bring more people into the title picture while still having a big main event feud.
- Create more stables/groups/tag teams, back in the Attitude Era stables were all over the place and almost every wrestler was part of one. Stables are a goodway of getting stars over and creating spots for wrestlers that cannot get over or do not get enough TV time.
- Unify the World Titles or go back to Single branded PPV's
Originally Posted by CHICHAN

I'm the extreme minority, haha I'm excited for the big zeke/kozlov feud.
I read from prowrestling.com they will be used as a tag team to face off against Y2SHOW, I wonder how thats gonna work.
Heel vs. Heel, I'm cool with it, but will the 9 year olds watching care?

- I was hoping for a Miz to go to Smackdown, I'm dying to see a feud between Miz and Morrison.
- Rey needs to lose that title quick to Dolph, and lets get Morrison and Dolph going.

And Finally...
- If McMahon wants CHANGES!!! Three cases
a-Someone has to go heel. The reason why the majority of his "WWE Superstars" can't become stars is because majority of them are faces. Shakethings up a bit. For example: Christian needs to step down as champ or possibly go heel. Given the amount of young talent ECW has, Shelton and the rest of theroster can be groomed into stars.
b- Raw needs to stop have Cena/Orton/HGH main event everytime the creative team runs out of ideas. Raw has young talent, throw Bourne, MVP, Swag into the titlemix.
c- WWE needs another Draft... this ain't working. Evenly divide the amount of star power and talent between three rosters. See it as Smackdown has ahandful of heels, they need to move those pieces over to Raw.
The WWE need to unify the tag belts and also focus more time trying to have 6 mathces on Raw where 2 mathces are used to
one defend a given title and two develop a feud for a contender spot with two athelets for the title. It will stop with the same constant feuds.
Originally Posted by quiickz

Things the WWE need to do:
- Bring back Time Limits, time limits give a certain importance to a match and a sense of urgency.
- Get rid of the "Rematch Clause", I remember when Bret used to lose the title, he wouldn't get another title match for months.
Without the rematch clause the 'E is able to bring more people into the title picture while still having a big main event feud.
- Create more stables/groups/tag teams, back in the Attitude Era stables were all over the place and almost every wrestler was part of one. Stables are a good way of getting stars over and creating spots for wrestlers that cannot get over or do not get enough TV time.
- Unify the World Titles or go back to Single branded PPV's
I absolutely LOATHE the rematch clause... unless you make it so that it HAS to happen the very next night... otherwise you're justflip-flopping for months on end... it's just ridiculous... it's gotten to the point where it doesn't even matter if they win or lose because theyget another chance at the next PPV anyway...

When are we gonna get the next great stable? I mean, a TRULY dominating force that just straight wrecks shop on anybody who dares to oppose them... we haveMORE than enough wrestlers to make it happen... I mean look at Survivor Series matches as of late... they have been stable vs. stable... it's just beenfive random guys against another five random guys with no purpose and no unity... the E NEEDS a strong stable on Raw and one on Smackdown at the very least...it can start with Legacy if they want to keep that going joining with the Hart Foundation... already that's a STRONG young stable... Smackdown can startwith Show and Jericho recruiting different members (Dolph anyone?) who can make some things happen... this keeps the main stars (the leaders of the stables)relevant without throwing them into matches every week (less injuries) and also helps to build up the newer guys by making them go out and prove their worth...one thing I can give TNA is that with their whole Main Event Mafia storyline, it makes for dope TV... hopefully it doesn't turn into the WWE's versionof the nWo (Remember THAT nonsense? LOL... there was like 10 members at one point and then one night Vinnie Mac just deaded that $++%...)

I'm going to always be a fan of the WWE and I'm not gonna be one of those guys that bashes the E because it hasn't returned to the Attitude era(rehashing DX is a bad idea btw...) I just want them to go in a better direction... the writing has become so poor lately... I can't remember the last timeI was like
at WWE programming... years ago though, there was something
every single segment... I just want them to step their game up... period...

Bring Owen Hart back....

- Create more stables/groups/tag teams, back in the Attitude Era stables were all over the place and almost every wrestler was part of one. Stables are a good way of getting stars over and creating spots for wrestlers that cannot get over or do not get enough TV time.

Cannot agree with you more...
Alright guys I'm bored at home so, if you were in the "E" design and create your own stable.

My stable: Imagine an Impact Players 2.0.
- Dolph
- Miz
- Maria
- Maryse

Second Stable- This has to be done, merge Legacy with the Heart Dynasty!!!
Originally Posted by NIMO007

- Create more stables/groups/tag teams, back in the Attitude Era stables were all over the place and almost every wrestler was part of one. Stables are a good way of getting stars over and creating spots for wrestlers that cannot get over or do not get enough TV time.
Cannot agree with you more...
Alright guys I'm bored at home so, if you were in the "E" design and create your own stable.

My stable: Imagine an Impact Players 2.0.
- Dolph
- Miz
- Maria
- Maryse

Second Stable- This has to be done, merge Legacy with the Heart Dynasty!!!

I said this in my earlier post but I think this is the easiest decision for the E... add a heel Cena (even though I realize he's not a Legacy like theothers) call them the Legacy Foundation and make it happen Vince!!!

For Smackdown I would love to see a stable with Jericho, Big Show, Dolph, The Miz, Maryse and Christian... KILLING THE GAME
I don't know what the name would be but I'm loving that stable right there...

A good guy stable could be Cryme Tyme, Mark Henry, MVP, Shelton and R-Truth... call them Black Power and have them play the minority angle (no pushes, Vince iskeeping the black man down
, talk about how they're great wrestlers but you have wrestlers like Khali and Koslov who can't speak English yet gettitle shots) I know this one is damn near impossible to happening but if my dream of becoming a WWE writer in the next five years can happen, trust and believeyou'll see it on TV
Wth was up with that post match interview
, Hernandez sounded like a Spanish Chewbacca

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