WWE RAW is SHAQ 7.27.2009

I bet Cole couldn't wait to say that.

Shaq was great tonight.

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

did this fool just say boomshakalacka

In my booker T voice "tell me he did not just say that"
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Y'know, I tend not to be offended by stereotypes... but as a black man, I am VERY offended by the bullet holes in JTG's jeans.

I never noticed them until now.

Raw was actually entertaining tonight it would have been great if they had anybody other then cena to give a title shot.
this is gonna suck if we dont get to see Shaq Vs Show at SS!!!! even if its a run in or a quick match!!!
seriously this Raw was almost perfect. I haven't see this type of stuff in years..

However, WWE has the biggest crop of young, entertaining talent I have ever seen.

and all we see is Orton, Cena, and HHH in the main event...I don't even have a problem with Cena...but there are so many heads in mid card status who in myopinion are ready to take over or get a chance..instead they are all going to be grouped together in 6 pack challenges.

if only smackdown's entertainment could be used on Raw...I hated Ziggler at first but dude is so
wasn't lookin, but randy orton has da sexiest white man butt ive seen next 2 steve nashabout 2 hours ago from Tweetie
alot of people are giving this raw high praise, which it doesnt deserve, yes its better than the trash that theyhave been giving us, but it wasnt a great/goodshow, above average ......yes
Damn I missed the ending...but what the hell was Big Show wearing? Looking like some ol Tug Boat reject tights.
We could see some of the best mic work in the past few years if Jeremy Piven would get into character as Ari Gold next week.
I dont watch Entourage so I have no idea what to expect from the dude hosting next week.
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