WWE RAW is SHAQ 7.27.2009

Like I said a couple pages back. Next week's show will be hilarious if Piven is allowed to go on some of his Ari rants!
Originally Posted by quiickz

Raw was very good. I'm surprised Trips let Cody work most of the match rather than bury him.
I think you guys are all blinded by how great Shaq was to realize this really was just more of the same typical WWE crap.

-Kendrick - Buried/humiliated
-MVP again not given a chance to main event when the WWE is so desperately needing new stars.
-Swagger loses in a matter of minutes. Just as I predicted with Swagger, he went from being a potential star in ECW to a low-midcard jobber on Raw. And thewin did absolutely nothing for Evan Bourne because it won't even be talked about next week.
-The only reason Cody could "hang" in the match was because HHH was "injured" before the match with a crowbar to his knee. And still, HHHwould have beat him in under 7 minutes. And I wish the WWE would at least make some type of logical explanation about why HHH would be disqualified if he hitTed Dibiase off the apron. In my 20+ years of watching wrestling, no one has ever been disqualified for knocking someone not involved in the match off theapron.
-DX is clearly having another reunion very soon. Can't wait for that. HBK goes from an amazing match at WrestleMania, the stuff that makes him the legendhe is, back to the same old crap that makes you hate him.
-The Miz was once again buried and made to look like a complete fool to Cena.

Would one major victory for guys like Miz, MVP, or Swagger really be that terrible to the top guys in the WWE like HHH, Cena, and Orton? And I don't meana fluke victory with outside interference and a roll up. I mean a legitimate 10-15 minute match where a young talent gets a significant win that will beremember. We've seen guys like The Undertaker do it, and it sure as hell hasn't hurt them. But HHH's ego would be far too damaged to do this. Hemust be the most insecure person in the world. So instead we get Orton vs Cena AGAIN at Summerslam. And the following month, it will probably be Orton vs HHHor Cena vs HHH. How people continue to pay money to see these matches is beyond me. Raw is staler than network tv reruns.
I really dont like the way they are using Swagger.

this guy is the next IT guy for the WWE and will be a top star for years.

i guess he's just "paying his dues" right now, but this guy has it all.

especially that natural @@%@-eating grin that makes him so heelish
I think that what the WWE is doing now is going back to the roots. I feel they they are establishing the young guys through good old feuds. THey didnt allowMVP to advance because they want to possible establish a feud with him and Masterpiece to help develop both of those guys. They also want to develop MIz andSwagger more as well as Bourne and Kendrick. They will by the end of the year have a new face retain the strap and I have the feeling it will be MVP. I feelthat they can have Swagger hold onto the U.S title for a bit to develop feuds with the likes of Miz, Primo, Carlito, Kofi and Bourne that will give the U.Stitle division some shine. Then with the use of MVP as champ they will have Big Show, Cena, Orton and Henry as face but this can only happen with the feudsthey are trying to establish now.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

I think that what the WWE is doing now is going back to the roots. I feel they they are establishing the young guys through good old feuds. THey didnt allow MVP to advance because they want to possible establish a feud with him and Masterpiece to help develop both of those guys. They also want to develop MIz and Swagger more as well as Bourne and Kendrick. They will by the end of the year have a new face retain the strap and I have the feeling it will be MVP. I feel that they can have Swagger hold onto the U.S title for a bit to develop feuds with the likes of Miz, Primo, Carlito, Kofi and Bourne that will give the U.S title division some shine. Then with the use of MVP as champ they will have Big Show, Cena, Orton and Henry as face but this can only happen with the feuds they are trying to establish now.
The problem is that these mid-card feuds are meaningless. They throw them together with no rhyme or reason. One week two guys will just startfighting each other. One will win one week, the other will win the next week, and then they will have a blowoff match at the PPV. The feud will be forgotten,both men will move onto their next feud, and neither will advance up the food chain. Guys like MVP, Carlito, and Matt Hardy have been stuck in the sameposition on the card forever. And the same will go for guys like Christian, Swagger, Bourne, Kofi, The Miz, Morrison, Rhodes, and Dibiase unless they getserious about giving legitimate pushes and protection to young talent.
I'd love to see the Miz win a belt. I see him with the Intercontinental strap, all it has to do is come to Raw from SD.
so diesel man gunna be on the show? shaqfu from the lakers heat, and phoniex is that the shaq were talking about?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

-DX is clearly having another reunion very soon.

Spoiler [+]
WWE has launched the new SummerSlam.com. The site is pretty flashly, complete with Aerosmith theme song and animated yellow and red carnival-style graphics. It's interesting to note that Shawn Michaels, who has not been on WWE television since WrestleMania, is one of the main superstars WWE is advertising for the event. This adds to the idea that DX is reforming at the event to battle Legacy.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

so diesel man gunna be on the show? shaqfu from the lakers heat, and phoniex is that the shaq were talking about?

yeah, but the show was last night.
Well, if HHH is 40, that means we only have to put up with him on TV for about another 15-16 years.
Im trying to unload my Raw tickets for next week.

If I cant, I think im gonna hold up a "CHEESE" sign in honor of the guest host's character in Old School.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

If I can be random for a minute... if had a say in creative over at WWE, I would let Show and Jericho hold the tag belts until Wrestlemania in hopes that Edge can wrestle, so that he could reunite with Christian and take them on for the championship in Arizona. That would be a money match given the inherent feud that Edge will have with Jericho upon returning, and will elevate Christian and Show as well.

Do it Steph!
What I wanted to see was a rematch of the Bash with Colons vs Legacy vs Jericho/Mystery Partner. That mystery partner turns out to be Christian.Chris Jericho and Christian lose the titles. Christian is sick of Jericho after what he has said to Edge, and they face at Summerslam.

What we probably have at Summerslam:

Hardy vs Morrison vs Punk
Cena vs Orton
DX vs Legacy
MVP vs Jack Swagger
US Title: Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne?
Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler
Christian vs Benjamin?
Carlito vs Primo

And they should just have Mickie James face Michelle McCool to unify both titles. The first 2 women to hold both titles.
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