Somewhat predictable results to an otherwise good ppv. Not surprised to see John "I Can't Do No Wrong" Cena heading back to "headline" WrestleMania again.

Also not surprised to see Rock get the WWE title...with as much hype as he got for this ppv and pretty much any appearance, McMahon will cater to Rock as long as the ratings and money pile on in.....

I commend CM Punk though for a very well established title run but I feel Ziggler is next up for a long term run..
idk how people can be satisfied with predictability. this has to be the worst RR and PPV i've seen in years. Punk loses clean to the PEOPLE's ELBOW? YOU GET ONE SHOT AND WIN? SLAP IN THE FACE TO THE WWE TITLE.

oh yeah, and Cena winning.


I'm satisfied because for one night I took off my smark hat and watched the show as a fan. Didn't over think it and just enjoyed the show.

I'm sure a lot of you guys hated seeing Cena and Rock win, but I thought I was a pretty damn good show overall.
I said it earlier I thought a lot of the complaining was unwarranted, that was up until the way the match ended. The interference, then the restart, then the finish was beyond terrible. I wouldnt have been mad if either guy won it, but for a match of this magnitude it should have been organized better. This isnt how blockbuster main events are supposed to be.
I agree with Grizz, but you made some valid points as well.

The Punk/Rock match was too disjointed and the swerve finish didn't help matters.
My predictions for the Wrestlemania card.

Brock vs Triple H

Del Rio vs Dolph for the Heavyweight Title

Undertaker vs Punk

Rock vs Cena for the WWE Title

Money in the Bank match
I guess the way he lost was fitting...indeed punk has not won a match clean since forever...might there be a reason for this? But i can see them doing a triple threat at wm so hopefully it wont be too bad
I do not get you guys sometimes. You talk about getting over clean and looking weak but Punk ain't won clean in like 6 months...... Rock wins CLEAN and yall complain, Punk looks weak for months with the help of the shield and all yall talk about is PUNK GOD?
You really wanted it to end like that tho? Good PPV for me. I'll give it a B+ just for the swerve.
I wanted Punk to win, but I did not want it to end like that. Even I was baffled at the match ending that way to begin with.

Besides the financial reasons for WWE, the Rock did nothing to earn his match against CM Punk. I was against them dueling to begin with largely because of that and tonight he showed that. He can't cut a promo and he can't go in the ring. There were a number of holds used in the beginning of the match for his benefit. Then you top of it off with him winning with a People's Elbow? He has never won a match with just the People's Elbow. The match sucked regardless of who you pulled for, but the endings made it even worse.

What makes it worse for me is that its setting up a Wrestlemania card that's already shown to not be interesting. All you have to do is look on Twitter and you'll see the disdain toward Rock vs. Cena II. No one wants to see this match.
My predictions for the Wrestlemania card.

Brock vs Triple H

Del Rio vs Dolph for the Heavyweight Title

Undertaker vs Punk

Rock vs Cena for the WWE Title

Money in the Bank match
Top 4 all are almost locks.  They've gone away from MITB matches since they started the MITB PPV.
I do not get you guys sometimes. You talk about getting over clean and looking weak but Punk ain't won clean in like 6 months...... Rock wins CLEAN and yall complain, Punk looks weak for months with the help of the shield and all yall talk about is PUNK GOD? :smh: You really wanted it to end like that tho? Good PPV for me. I'll give it a B+ just for the swerve.

I'm for the Rock winning the belt again. Just not when he decides to.

Yes Punk hasn't won clean, but that's how heels thrive as champions. A heel should lose his title at the biggest stage imo.

Plus the Elbow does show a sign of "disrespect". Why not a RB?

Cena winning is a slap in the face for Triple H's push for the newer WWE superstars to get their chance.

No way Cena chooses the WHC route. It's Rock and Cena II. How is that blockbuster?

As far as this PPV goes: Quality of matches and card was good, results weren't
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I think most people aren't mad that Punk lost clean, it's that he lost to one standing elbow drop. This makes him look ridiculously weak. Throw in a rock bottom or two before the elbow and it would be fine.

I don't know why they keep trying to pull these long, epic matches out of Rock anyways, he clearly cant go like that anymore. I think the Cena match went 30 minutes last year and this match went nearly 25. If theyjust shoot for like a 15 min all out brawl these maches would come off a lot better.
Very scary update on Ric Flair...

As I posted earlier, Flair could not work the All Japan show because of a blood clot in his leg.  He should not have even gone to the show, but he still went, worked as his son's manager, and even did a few flair chops.  Doctors wanted him in the hospital, but Flair ignored their advice and made the cross-Pacific flight home with the blood clot in his leg.  Extremely dangerous.  I know he did land in San Francisco, but I don't know what shape he is in.
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