Very scary update on Ric Flair...

As I posted earlier, Flair could not work the All Japan show because of a blood clot in his leg.  He should not have even gone to the show, but he still went, worked as his son's manager, and even did a few flair chops.  Doctors wanted him in the hospital, but Flair ignored their advice and made the cross-Pacific flight home with the blood clot in his leg.  Extremely dangerous.  I know he did land in San Francisco, but I don't know what shape he is in.
People here don't understand that smarks don't bring ratings, the main stream crowd does. So why would Vince care about what you guys think? Even though it does suck that it's going to be Rock/Cena II, it'll draw a lot of ratings especially since it's for the WWE title. Stop complaining about The Rock not earning a title shot, it's old.
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People here don't understand that smarks don't bring ratings, the main stream crowd does. So why would Vince care about what you guys think? Even though it does suck that it's going to be Rock/Cena II, it'll draw a lot of ratings especially since it's for the WWE title. Stop complaining about The Rock not having a good reason to have a title shot, it's old.
Yup.  This year's WM will be the most purchased WM in history.

Cena vs Rock II
Lesnar vs Triple H II

So honestly this just ruins everything. If its going to be punk vs taker now punk looks weak, and not a threat to beating taker. and if he does beat taker it devalues both punk and taker because the rock beat punk who beat taker :smh: all jumbled up

So pretty much Cena will go over rock. Triple H will go over Lesnar . and if Punk faces Taker , taker will go over punk :x

Wow I am not optimistic about wwe at all

You should have known this was the plan before the ppv even started tonight.
Damn. CM Punk really isn't going to ever truly close out a Wrestlemania
That's all I wanted for the dude. I mean, how does a scrub like Cena get to constantly be in the main event picture. I understand he brings in a buttload of money, but still. Dude has zero in ring ability. His promos are corny as hell. His gimmick is corny. Everything about him is so damn fake. This was the icing on the cake for me. This solidifed his corniness, I pretty much stopped watching wrestling at this point because I knew he was going to be the face of the company for a long time.

And yes, I'm mad as hell
Top 4 all are almost locks.  They've gone away from MITB matches since they started the MITB PPV.
My reasoning for the Money in the bank match is that they should want to showcase guys like Ryback on the big stage.   Ryback, Miz, Kingston, Barrett, Cesaro, Big Show, Y2J etc will be left off the card if they don't do this.  Maybe you can have Ryback vs Barrett or Ceasro for one of the titles but I'd rather see them all in a money in the bank match.  it would be more exciting and it would help set up a good feud for the first month after Mania.
People here don't understand that smarks don't bring ratings, the main stream crowd does. So why would Vince care about what you guys think? Even though it does suck that it's going to be Rock/Cena II, it'll draw a lot of ratings especially since it's for the WWE title. Stop complaining about The Rock not earning a title shot, it's old.
We can complain if we want. Who cares about the financials?
It's most likely going to be Punk vs Cena vs Rock for the WWE championship at Wrestlemania...it has to happen for ratings and the hype, especially toward Cena & the Rock, as it can possibly reach the hype & popularity the Rock/Stone Cold WM matches had.
I'm for the Rock winning the belt again. Just not when he decides to.

Yes Punk hasn't won clean, but that's how heels thrive as champions. A heel should lose his title at the biggest stage imo.

Plus the Elbow does show a sign of "disrespect". Why not a RB?

Cena winning is a slap in the face for Triple H's push for the newer WWE superstars to get their chance.

No way Cena chooses the WHC route. It's Rock and Cena II. How is that blockbuster?

As far as this PPV goes: Quality of matches and card was good, results weren't
How is that not blockbuster?  last years Mania had more buys then any other Mania.
My predictions for the Wrestlemania card.

Brock vs Triple H
Del Rio vs Dolph for the Heavyweight Title
Undertaker vs Punk
Rock vs Cena for the WWE Title
Money in the Bank match

If this happens does that mean no more Heyman? Or maybe Paul Bearer returns with the deadman?
Smarks don't matter but guess who's filling up Metlife, the following Raw and the WWE HOF ceremony? Smarks. Go on with that ********.
While its cool to see the Rock win and yea it'll bring big ratings and buys for WM

In the long run this only hurts the company
Would be pretty weird if Cena decides on the WHC and Ziggler tries to cash in on the Rock? Or Ryback vs. the Rock and then Ziggler cashes in?
I'm for the Rock winning the belt again. Just not when he decides to.

Yes Punk hasn't won clean, but that's how heels thrive as champions. A heel should lose his title at the biggest stage imo.

Plus the Elbow does show a sign of "disrespect". Why not a RB?

Cena winning is a slap in the face for Triple H's push for the newer WWE superstars to get their chance.

No way Cena chooses the WHC route. It's Rock and Cena II. How is that blockbuster?

As far as this PPV goes: Quality of matches and card was good, results weren't

How is that not blockbuster?  last years Mania had more buys then any other Mania.

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what is the WWE going to do? Release an updated dvd/blu ray or create a new one. "this time it's for the gold?":x
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