WWE: Batista Flipped Off Fans and Mockingly Chanted 'Yes!' After Being Booed During His Royal Rumble Win Last Night

[COLOR=#red]I missed the DB match... Read it was great. Understand the Wyatt win for Cena at WM... makes sense. Build him up... Nothing for DB, not even a rumble entrant... This dude is being so misused. Had a whole year pass him by, starting off the same way again.

RR was not good. The rumble itself was eh at best. When Ron came out at 30 I just laughed. It's typical... why should any expect different or be surprised. The fans are yelling, LOUDLY, who and what they want cheerfully. And in 1 second it went to pure hatred and contempt. Once the "Big" 3 were left and they angrily Yelled "NO!" I lost it, pure comedy. WWE blatantly flipping off the fans. Why shouldn't heeltista? [/COLOR]
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Damn, JBL kinda buried Bryan when some of those chants were going on.

New Age Outlaws are the new tag team champs
Randy Orton is the WWE Champ
Batista wins the Royal Rumble
Kevin Nash takes a spot in the Royal Rumble
Sheamus returns and looks strong in the Royal Rumble

HHH's buddies :rolleyes
This is the only time in my life where I can say I've liked the Pittsburgh fan

I can't believe I'm saying this.
Finally got to watch, some thoughts:

- the pop that Rikishi's kids will get when they win the Tag Titles at Mania :smokin

- never really understood the Bray hate. Dude plays his character flawlessly in/out of the ring. He brought it against D-Bry.

- Brock Lesnar is probably the only human being I'm legit scared of.

- Cena/Orton happened. And why does everyone hate the idea of Cena/Bray so much? Taker vs. Cena is NEVER going to happen folks..and it shouldn't.

- Rusev's theme is TOUGH. :x :smokin Best theme right now. Dude is mad impressive in the ring too. But isn't he a heel though? He was mostly targeting the other heels.

- Nash still using the NWO theme :pimp:

- El Torito is entertaining as hell, idc.

- I kinda feel like a Morrison/Fandango faceoff would've been potentially hilarious :lol:

- am I the only that's surprised AJ Lee hasn't been in the Rumble yet? As weird as that sounds

- did Big E wrestle with David Otunga before he came out?

- Next to Cena, is there a wrestler that gets buried harder by the crowd than Rey? :lol:

- Roman Reigns became a star last night. I wanted him to win SO bad. He might be my favorite right now

- I'm not going to automatically write off the Rumble match as terrible just because Bryan wasn't in it, but Batista winning was the WRONG move. Bad ending to one of the better Rumbles in recent memory.

8.5/10 overall.
Not surprised or even THAT mad at what happened. It was so predictable.

I do hope that WWE recognizes the appeal that D-Bryan has and how much star power he is. 4W brought up the point that he isn't a ratings draw, which he isn't. However, if the company got behind him and REALLY pushed him, would that change? Who knows, but I do hope that for their own sake, they figure it out and fast. Cena and Orton are aging, Batista is 45, and CM Punk is damn near ready to wrap it up. Might be '94 all over again before we know it.

Shockingly enough, 2010 was much worse than the current landscape :lol: I do feel like Punk is ready to wrap it up as well. He should be a heel anyway, but just body language and all, he really looks like he needs 6 months to a year off. He looks beat.

And from the crowd completely hype for the Bryan/Bray match to anger plus total apathy by the end is a feat in itself. What other recent PPV has ended like that? Mysterio at #30 had me :rofl: HHH had to be in the back doing the same
Not from Minnesota, only my football allegiance hails from there.

But if you want to replace that with NY, go ahead.
sorry if this is posted already....
Dude needs to clean his house up.

What does his girl look like?

Why would any woman in their right mind be with an oversized 6 year old who's life revolves around professional 'entertainment'? lol
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